Reading all of your blogs gives me inspiration and usually I write it ahead of time before y'all post but I thought that I should try something different. So here I am typing after reading everyone's post and can I say that you all are awesome writers and write some interesting things. Anyway a common theme that I picked up on is how much our lives are changing.
Like less than a month ago we worried about our final essays, exams, and grades, but now that's a distant nightmare. I guess for me I appreciate change. It doesn't alarm me. It fascinates me. Like personality wise I am still a shy person (like I asked my mom to go to the cleaners for me because I was to nervous to ask them to fix my pants), but it's less crippling. I am able to order for myself without stuttering and shaking (at least less noticeably). My clumsiness has been a constant in my life. Like I broke my toe playing tag in 7th grade, sprang both ankles walking out of a door and dropped my new laptop, got my wisdom teeth removed in 10th grade and started bleeding everywhere (it was an ugly site), and falling down the stairs and breaking not only my toe but bruising my leg really bad in the process.

For me though physical changes don't affect me. Like there has been a great deal of deforestation going on and a lot of new neighborhoods being built. I mean I don't like the changes for ecological reasons, but it's interesting to see the little county I have known all of my life that has been tucked away behind trees to finally be unveiled. I can actually see the highway and it never occurred to me that I live next to a highway but as they continue to deforest the noise pollution comes through more. Or how far the technical school my mom went to really is and how if they deforested earlier it would've been easier for her to walk there.
I can't withstand relational changes. I have gone on Instagram recently since the semester is done and found some of my best friends from my first high school, Collins Hill. I hated high school, but that was due to in part because I loved Collins Hill so much and didn't want to go to any other one. I moved so much and never made any real friends but after going to all of the schools that flowed into Collins Hill I was kind of popular. I knew everyone and they knew me. I had friends in every class. Then I moved. I lost contact with them because I didn't have a constant phone number, address, or social media (couldn't afford internet to have the accounts). Of course they have moved on, by the looks of it on Instagram. In some ways I still stuck in the past. They have their significant others, a wonderful college life, and having fun with their friend.

Seemingly forgetting about me. I miss laughing with them and being goofy with them, but they won't know nor do they probably care. I love my friends they have all changed my life in one way or the other. My bad friends taught me to be more sensitive and to know when to let go of something. My good friends have taught me to cultivate the best parts of myself to share with others. This is why I invest so much time in effort with my friends. They not only make me happy, but they bring out the best in me.
Emma, Rachel, Erin, Naoni let's not let this relation change between us. Let's not forget one another. Let's remain friends.

TL;DR: I love y'all!!!!
I know what you mean by feeling stuck in the past when you look at social media and losing touch with people :( but you're right about thinking about what you've ~learned~ from those relationships and there being value in them no matter what.
Tu me manques ! et j'aime l'ours polaire :0)
Aboni this is such a sweet post, I teared up a bit. I want to strengthen our friendships more and also work on being a better friend :') I hope the next year brings us all closer together despite physical distance <3 much love for you for saying these words :-) Also I love all the pics in this post (and I was just thinking this morning that I need to start praying again :0)