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Home for the Holidays


I haven't really done much since I've been home, so there isn't much to update you guys on. Christmas was nice, though it didn't really feel like Christmas. It sorta just felt like another Wednesday, which may sound sad but I don't mean it to.

My brother and I spent most of the day watching Harry Potter. This has kind of become our unofficial Christmas tradition because it always seems to be on tv around the holidays. For Christmas, one of the things my parents got my brother and I were these action figures that they saw at The New York Public Library. My brother got one of a solar powered Albert Einstein who points to his head when put out in the sun. I got one of Ruth Bater Ginsburg. She doesn't move or anything, but she did come with a gavel! It was kind of a random gift but I really like it.

Then in the afternoon, my dad and I went grocery shopping. On our walk home, he pointed out all of the stores that have closed since I left in the fall. I don't know if it feels more extreme because I've been away from home or what, but it feels like a lot has changed. Evidently, with stores closing and new ones opening things have changed, but I guess I'm talking about smaller things. Like when we were walking home, we took the route we used to take from my elementary school, and I noticed how small s0me of the sidewalks are. I kept thinking: were they always like this? Or did I just get bigger?

Tomorrow, my family and our "cousins" are having a fried chicken party...which is exactly what it sounds like. I guess it's not really a party, it's just an excuse for all of us to hang out and eat fried chicken. My dad is making pork too just in case people need some variety. Anyways, I'm explaining all this to say that I've spent all day cleaning the house because I never fully unpacked when I came home last Friday and that I should probably get back to doing that. Peace out, folks!


Erin Walsh
Erin Walsh
Jan 04, 2020

Yeah agreeing with everyone else, Christmas didn't feel like much this year.

And I get what you mean about everything feeling really different when you get back. Also when I see people that I went to high school with but don't really keep in touch with. They seem different or a lot older to me now and I'm I seem different? Am I different? Fun stuff


Unknown member
Dec 31, 2019

I could go for a fried chicken party, it sounds nice ;). But I feel like this Christmas also felt not like Christmas. Is this what the holidays are like for older people? It’s scary if it is...


Unknown member
Dec 30, 2019

I didn’t feel like Christmas was that special this year either :/ and yeah it’s always weird going home and seeing all that’s changed and sometimes things feeling a bit smaller. You’re a small person Emma, but things do get smaller hahah Fried 🍗 chicken party?! Sounds like my kind of party 🥳 Have a happy new year!!!!



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