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Happy Mountain Day ! šŸŒ³šŸŽšŸ‚ā›°

Bonjour mes amies !!

First of all, I hope that everyone is having a wonderful Mountain Day!! I sadly didn't do anything special for the occasion, but perhaps tomorrow I will go to the store in search of some apple stuff. I unfortunately don't think they have apple cider donuts, but it's neither here nor there.

This past week has been a mix of random things, but I feel like I'm settling more especially now that classes have started.

Saturday I had an interview with this company, Speaking Agency, that matches families with babysitters/tutors. It turned out to be a group interview which was my first. It went well and I really liked the other people I interviewed with. After the interview, they have you apply for a few potential gigs and match you from there. This next part was a bit awkward though..... Right after the interview I met up with Ejona. Smith/our director gets babysitting offers randomly so there's a board in the Smith Center that's it good to keep an eye on. So Ejona already has a job, but she told me about one she ended up not being able to take. Looking at the info, I realized this job could work well for me. Texting the mom soon after, she immediately wanted to meet me Monday and basically I was hired :-). The awkward part I was talking about though is that I had to tell Speaking Agency that I found something outside of them and the lady I told sounded really confused since I had literally had my interview that morning... Oh well!

pigeons we saw after my interview

I met the mom and little girl, Emma, the following Monday. She's only 3 and is so adorable!!! She's starting to learn English but obviously she mainly understands French, so I do think it'll be a good way for me to practice without judgement. It was interesting because her mom was there that first time to show me how everything goes and I always feel like I can't be myself fully when an older adult is around hahaha. Like you know when the teacher comes up to your group. Idk I always freeze up. Also Emma really likes Peppa Pig and has a photo album of when they went to a Peppa Pig theme park :')

This Saturday, I'm going to meet this woman I might do some personal assisting for. She's actually a Smithie who went to Smith during WW2?! Lol I said it was Mountain Day when she called me today and she knows what it is but they didn't have it back then. She's in her mid90s now I think but based on what the student who helped her last year said, I think it could be a potentially very interesting job!

Ok wow sorry I spent so long talking about jobs o_o but I think they're good for making me feel like I have something to do (and making money ofc).

Other than that, I had a pretty fun weekend!

Friday night I saw IT chapter 2 (or, as said here, Ca chapitre 2). It was pretty good! I wasn't as into it as the first one, but it was really well done cinematographically! Saturday, there was a picnic and then I went to a speakeasy type bar with a Smith friend and some of her friends. It was a bar hidden in a laundromat?! But idk how secret it is because there was clearly a line outside and monitoring of how many people were there at once and everything. Inside though was very nice and the ambiance was there.

Sunday I went to the MusƩe d'Orsay. I'm glad I finally brought myself to go because I definitely think I need to take better advantage of all the museums there are here! And Smith will pretty much pay for any of them because they're cultural :-o. MusƩe d'Orsay is really beautiful because it's in a former train station and also there's a ton of impressionist art. Sunday was the last day of an exhibit on Berthe Morisot :-) she has a special place in my heart because I did a presentation on her in French class 10th grade. The next expo is on Degas I think, so I'll definitely be back!

I remember doing an analysis on this and then its wild that now I saw it in person!

The sad part about Sunday was that I had yet to start a composition for my language class ... due Monday morning. I got through it though (barely). Jean checked the grammar for me, so I think it should be ok there but the prompt was really confusing so we'll see about the content.

this is how it is when u gotta write those essays

Today I went to a club meeting for the Korean Club they have at my university. I went with Emily, and it's always reassuring for me to go places with a friend. This meeting was technically celebrating ģ¶”ģ„ (Autumn Eve) even though that was early this month. We didn't really seem to do anything in particular for it, but there was food which is always a draw for me. At first I felt super awkward but at least I had Emily :-). Then we slowly were pulled into talking with different people, and then it was fun. I'm definitely going back next week!



Unknown member
Oct 12, 2019

You should spam Kiara with all the peppa pig stuff you see with this little girl. But your jobs sound pretty sweet. You are really working a wide age range, from 3 all the way to 90something!


Erin Walsh
Erin Walsh
Oct 12, 2019

Woah you're such a busy woman!! Now I understand the snap chats of that woman's apartment šŸ˜… Glad you can bond with Emma over Peppa Pig :-) and I love that Morisot painting that's so cool!


Sep 26, 2019

OMG I did a project on Degas in high school. Those French Teacher are really losing their creativity, huh. Anyway sooo cool that you have someone to check over your grammar now who's an actual native speaker! And I glad the women was around during La 2e Guerre Mondiale you will learn so much from her. Do share!



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