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Greece and the Up and Coming


Updated: Mar 7, 2020

It's currently lunchtime and I, like a fool, forgot my lunch in the fridge at home. This week has been pretty exhausting and I think I'm coming down with a cold. Hopefully, I can get better before study tour but honestly even if I do I'll probably get sick again on tour.

Last week, I had a blogpost ready to go up but didn't have wifi so I thought I'd include it here:

I’ve been on break since the weekend and I’m currently in Greece visiting Anna. It’s so much warmer here than it is in Copenhagen and it hasn’t rained once since I’ve been here. It’s so nice! This trip was the first time I traveled on a plane by myself. I guess it’s really not that different from other modes of transport like logistically. I guess the stressful part for most people is the being in the sky bit, which is fair.

Growing up I never understood why people loved to travel but after doing weekend trips here and there I think I sort of get it. The world is so big! And not even just big but grand. Which is what everyone always says and of course it’s true but I didn’t have an idea of what that meant if that makes sense. It’s so humbling.

Since I’ve been here, I’ve gotten to do a bit of sight seeing. On Tuesday Anna and her friend took me to the top of this hill (I’m sure it’s actually some famous hill but I don’t remember the name of it) and we watched the sunset over Athens. I also got to eat a gyro. It had french fries in it. Then yesterday, we went to see the Parthenon and to take pictures in our bucket hats. The first night I was here Anna and I watched Book Smart and I actually really liked it. At first I was like this isn’t that realistic but then shit gets real. I always think it’s interesting to see how movies portray the high school experience and I felt like this movie did a good job of showing that people are more than one thing.

Yeah so that’s what I’ve been up to. I think I’m going to go on a coffee hunt now, while Anna is still in class. Talk to you guys soon.

Here are some pictures from Greece...

This was the view from the Parthenon

They had lots of tiny cars in Athens. The Greek seem to be big fans of the smart car.

Anna Zimmer contemplating life in Aegina
Me in front of a smaller temple next to the Parthenon.

There were lots of free roaming cats in Athens. Because they sort of just do their own thing they get to walk all over the Parthenon.

Me holding a duck in this coffee place called "duck" wearing my bird shirt that I bought for 20 euros and love deeply

Overall, my trip to Athens was lovely. There was lots of good food and sun, which I miss.

In a week, my class goes on study tour and I'm actually pretty excited. Our teacher has a lot of fun stuff lined up for us to do. Yesterday we found out though that Helsinki isn't allowing any international students into school buildings, so until further notice all of our school visits our canceled which is unfortunate.

In other news, this week I realized that senior year is going to be hard. I've been in the process of applying to student teach next year and I have a lot more left than I thought I did, which means I probably can't finish my LSS minor or do choir (choir is the one I'm really bummed about). Actually, I really can't do anything except education is more of the situation but I guess this is what I signed up for.

Something that I am looking forward to though for next year is that Caitlin Ong is going to be VP for Capen!! Never again will there be hair in the shower.



Rachel E
Rachel E
Mar 18, 2020

cuties! I absolutely love the bird shirt!! truly a steal

i'm glad you got to go to Greece, I want to go one day too :')

Also proud of you for taking the plane by yourself - the first time I did that was actually visiting smith for discovery weekend. for most things, i think it's scary and avoid it until I actually try... something I learned this week about international flights :/ if you have a layover in the US then you have to recheck bags if you checked any... or they will not be there at your final destination 😭

I liked booksmart a lot too!! some towards the end was def not realistic but still fun


Unknown member
Mar 07, 2020



Unknown member
Mar 06, 2020

Wowie this looks so pretty! I’m only more excited for spring break now. Also cool hats.



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