I've had different phases with movies and movie appreciation over the years. At one point I just accepted that I would fall asleep in the middle of any movie. On more than one occasion, I've definitely slept through entire movies (one that I regret was the Secret Life of Walter Mitty because I ended up watching it later and thought it was fantastic)... Other times, I can get in the movie-watching mood and stay awake and attentive through 3 or 4 in a row. Thinking back on movies that were bad, we come upon the question of movies I hated. The thing is that usually if I finished the movie, it was a conscious choice (unless it was for school). Therefore, I think the more appropriate title for them would be movies I love to hate. I probably could sense early on they wouldn't be something to care for much but I kept watching because I knew I'd have stuff to gripe about later.
One movie that my family was talking about earlier was the Avatar: the Last Airbender movie. This one is notoriously bad for those who've seen the cartoon. I can't remember all that much about it, so I won't say too much. But some common complaints involve the unapologetic whitewashing and the pronunciation of Aang. I mean I guess they made Zuko a POC but it was like all the fire nation people were Indian. Which is interesting because although the world is imaginary, obviously nations draw cultural real-life cultural influences (I think it's something like Earth Kingdom is China, Fire Nation is Japan, Water Tribe is Inuit, and Air is somewhere I can't remember..). All around mistakes made with this movie and the acting was no saving grace.

A movie I saw more recently and definitely love to hate is The Kissing Booth. This movie ground my gears for how completely stupid it was.

I won't spoil anything (and honestly the details are fuzzy) but I just remember thinking they were antagonizing a character I thought was just in being angry at the main character.
The concept of the kissing booth was disturbing. I mean, in the olden days sure. But how could that be approved nowadays with everything we know about diseases!!
Towards the end was OF COURSE a prom which is the absolute high point of any normal person's high school career, and their prom was like a yearbook come to life just to emphasize even more the importance of popular kids.
At the end the brother obviously went to an Ivy League even though I'm pretty sure he was depicted as lazy. But they were all super rich. Which is fine I guess in a movie but they didn't even speak at all about it. It wasn't even a normal Hollywood movie house. I felt like it was pretty extravagant, but somehow we're supposed to accept they're "normal" high school kids.
The romance was so disgustingly heterosexual -- like I mean everyone played into their expected gender roles so much so (read sexist). I know this is normal for Hollywood, but I guess I expected more from Netflix... Wrong.
I think if I watched it again I'd have a lot more to say, but that's all the stuff I can remember at the moment :)
UPDATE: I was looking for photos and I found to my disgust that they're making the Kissing Booth 2 😫. Ngl, I might watch it.. Also yes, I confirmed that the white boy jock brother got into Harvard. I cringe rereading the plot of the first.
Idk how you fall asleep to movies. Personally, if I start a movie, I must finish it through to the end to see if things get better. The ATLA movie was a travesty T-T. The pronunciation and the “bending” was probably the most annoying thing about the movie. Why did they have to pronounce everything different from the show? Like what compelled him to do so? Also, what’s up with the poor bending? Like the fact that they equalized all the benders by making everyone have to have their source? I think the leverage the fire benders had (the fact that they can create their element) made it make sense that they were able to take over the world. Then the…
Man I just watched the ATLA movie with my nieces and nephews because I never watched it before, but it was so bad. The yt washing was at full capacity in this movie and making the one evil group POC really was a bad move. And the “bending” was bs and the fact that they didn’t even try to follow the show was painful. I had bad flashbacks of being a starry eyed kid going to see PJO on theaters and be devastated by all the changes lol. The part that got me the most was that the director made one of my favorite movies: hereditary so I believed this movie had potential but boi was i wrong!