Training for my internship has officially started and I've gotta say it's been pretty cool so far. The building we work at is an office building down in the Financial District with a bunch of revolving doors and rows of elevators. Going there makes me feel like a real adult.
On the first day of work it rained like crazy. The weather in New York has been all over the place this week but it's made for some nice pictures. I didn't realize it until I started working but the subway stop I get off at leads into the Oculus. This is the hub that replaced the train station that got destroyed during the 9/11 attacks. It got a lot of flak after it was built because of its cost and awkward shape. But I think it's pretty beautiful and it was a nice surprise on the first day.

There are twenty something interns in the program I'm doing and most of us go to different schools. In the last week, I've met people from Dickinson, Purchase, Howard, Vassar, Hunter, Bates, and a bunch of other colleges. I mean this in the least offensive way as possible but it's been really nice getting to know college kids that don't go to Smith. Don't get me wrong I love meeting other Smithies but getting to see where other people come from (in many different senses) has been super fun.
Our work consists mostly of doing activities that we could do with our own kids at our summer work sites. Today we built houses out of newspapers, played with shaving cream (and various other sort of ended up looking like that picture that Rachel posted of her yogurt and goldfish snack lol), did experiments with paper blimps, and a bunch of other stuff. I guess it sounds sorta weird when explained without context but that's education for ya. Oh another interesting thing is I thought this program would have mostly people who are studying education but there's actually a good mix of majors. Ellen did a good job diversifying our group. Ellen's our boss (we stan Ellen).
Tomorrow (I'm writing this on Thursday), we get to meet our work sites. I got assigned to an outdoor summer program in Astoria which is another town in Queens. The commute is still like 45 minutes but I'm excited. It's a science based program and apparently they do a lot of gardening, bird watching, and canoeing so stay tuned for that. And I'm working with middle schoolers which is always interesting.
I planned on having more pictures for this week because I was going to do an outfit of the week business casual edition buuuuut that didn't end up happening because there were always a lot of people in the bathroom at work. Instead, please enjoy these pictures that I took over the weekend from the MET roof and a street fair in my neighborhood.

p.s. I learned a new word today thanks to Masterchef. It's pluche or pluché. Think it might be a French culinary term but I'm not sure. Gordon Ramsey used it when referring to basil. He said "just grab a pluche of basil". But I like it cause it sounds cool he said it like ploosh.
The famous dinosaur cone!! And wow canoeing gardening birdwatching, these activities give me summer camp vibes,, I hope you like it :^)
@nrosemond8 no kids yet but I get to meet them in about two weeks
I want to see the business casual look for the week; I want to be served looks ;P But your job seems really interesting, have you started working with kids yet? (Also I love all the pics you took!)
that building is so beautiful.... and your internship sounds like a lotttt of fun :o) sad that we didn't get that outfit of the week situation but it's ok! I Can't wait to hear more about how working with the kids goes!!!