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Forest Hills–A Gem Among all the Pollution


Hello fellow bloggers,

It has recently been brought to my attention via the grapevine that one of you guys thinks that I should be replaced. To that blogger all I have to say is: this post is dedicated to you. I hope it lives up to your spiciness standards.

Forest Hills  

Home to celebrities like Spiderman, Ray Ramono and Awkwafina, this neighborhood is known for it's small town feel in a big city. And when I say "known", what I really mean is known by the Forest Hills residents and the Forest Hills residents only because literally no one else in NYC knows we exist. But that's okay because that's just how we like it here.

Some of our claim to fames include hosting the U.S. Open until 1978 and being designed by the Olmsted's (the same landscape architecture people that designed Smith and Central Park). But as an actual resident of Forest Hills, I thought I'd give you some fun inside scoops about this quiet neighborhood.

Forest Hills and Queens in general is often talked about for its food. But usually when people come here they only ever go to this one street called Austin Street. Austin Street has a fun mix of restaurants and bars and clothes stores which is why it's always busy. But, if you want some good food and less people you should head over to Metropolitan–it's not as cute but has some really good food. My personal favorite place over there is Katsuno, a really tiny sushi restaurant.

Speaking of Austin Street, if you go there you may notice that there are an unusual amount of prom dress shops. And you may be wondering how do they all stay open when they're all concentrated on a few blocks and all sell the same very specific things??Well, when I was a kid me and my middle school best friend had this same exact thought. And we came to the conclusion that they probably sell something else besides prom dresses if you get my drift.

Anyways, moving along. Near Austin Street there's also Queens Boulevard aka The Boulevard of Death. Walking across this very busy boulevard is like a real life version of Frogger. I would tell you to try to avoid it but that's where all of subway stations are so it's kind of unavoidable. On a lighter note though, I guess this boulevard brings people together because it connects all the different parts of Queens and also people tend to rally nearby to get the city to make it safer.

Recently, I've noticed that painting has become pretty popular around here. And as a result, people have been opening stores where folks can come and paint ceramics together and then get them glazed. I haven't been to any of these places yet as they're fairly new but my brother has been and he seemed to enjoy it.

Okay, these are all of the inside scoops that I can think of at the moment. I don't know really know what this post is lol. But I promise, Forest Hills is actually nice it's also just a lil weird. Last week, someone walked down my block playing the banjo and scream-singing in the middle of the night and I feel like that's a good representation of some of the odd things that happen here.



May 21, 2020

@aboni haha I completely forgot about that lady. and as for spiderman–Peter Parker is from forest hills like in the comics he lives in forest hills and he goes to midtown high school which is based off of forest hills high. in the original spiderman movies (the ones with Tobey Maguire) they show fh for like .2 seconds also and every time my family watches it we wait for that scene

@naoni technically that place was on Austin but the back part of it

@Rachel twas aboni. Rachel if you ever come to nyc I will 1000% be your tour guide. the ceramic painting thing does seem fun and so do the paint and sip places. generally speaking painting seems…


Erin Walsh
Erin Walsh
May 17, 2020

Ray Romano :') I just remember walking past the German-looking houses and counting the streets as we moved along to the S[REDACTED] estates.

the prom dress stores are actually fronts for mattress stores.

I support banjo man


Rachel E
Rachel E
May 13, 2020

I was quite scandalized reading that someone said that about you, but now I think it was aboni because of her response... I'm onto you aboni

I really like this post too :-) I don't know anything about New York really so please forgive me for not knowing Forest Hills. If I ever get the chance to go, I'll be sure to reference this post because it truly does sound like it has a lot to offer (and ofc if I could get someone as my personal guide, that'd be all the better)

You should try out the ceramic painting place when you get the chance! It's super fun, I especially think it's a good activity for birthdays

Did any…


May 12, 2020

Lol, I like this post: Forrest Hills seems cool/hipster-y and yet still feels cozy. Question though, when I visited you and went to the Asian food place with you and Clara and your papa(yes, I want to make you uncomfortable) was that on Austin street? Anyways, I always knew Queens was cool but I never had a reason to go there until I met you (it’s kind of like those areas where you don’t really go unless you have a connection). But I am glad to explore the area with ya Also I respect Queens for raising two cool cats: Spider-man and Emma ;)


May 12, 2020

I wonder who that blogger was, so mean ;). But Forest hills is a nice place when i visited. I liked the cute cake place you took us and the Chinese restaurant. But I definitely understand that hint of weirdness because when were there a drunk lady was "walking" down the street, more like falling and crawling lol. It seems cute though and can you expand on your Spiderman reference please!



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