I hand a pretty relaxed and uneventful week I guess. I got my period which I find convenient because it means I’ll have time to devise a plan on handling my period. Moreover, I’ll have the chance to fully enjoy Switzerland when I first arrive, you know, but I’m leaving for Switzerland soon and I’m super nervous. Like me, small town backwoods woman going to live in Europe for six months! It’s wild. I hung out with my bestie Komlan and as usual I was laughing like crazy . He had the big sad and I felt like he needed to talk, so we went to WaHo( waffle house to you uncultured swine :p) and it was nice to see him happier at the end of our meal. He is also a French learner (which is such bs since he’s from Togo and literally move to the US in middle/high school knowing only French and his ethnic language, which he doesn’t know the name of) and is planning on spending the summer in Quebec City, so this will be the last time we see each other in for while :((. On Monday I saw Sebastian and Marina for the last time for a while as well. We went to Sweet Hut, another Korean-Japanese-American bakery that I like. Their pastries aren’t that good though. But we spent two hours literally talking about stuff and honestly it took me back to the good old day it was a nice way to say goodbye to my besties. Tuesday I hung out with my mom, I’m really going to miss her. She’s like a best friend to me. Anyway, Wednesday I had my meeting again with Des Moines University I'm going to just post early though because I don't know when I'll have the chance to post on Thursday since I'll be trying to settle down. Anyway, 4/5 of us will be in the same timezone.

I’m glad you got to see all the good one folks of Ga one last time. And I do like the lights on our path, give us some light that makes me less scared to go out alone at night since I can see any dangers that lie near me (aka a deer or a rabid rabbit or a serial killer or an alien to list a few)
Nice that you got to have some nice times with friends before taking off :'). I didn't even realize you guys are all in the same time zone now. Hope Switzerland's been treating you alright so far!
Right he’s so weird lol. And it was just a meet up once more as always...
It’s always good to see friends one last time before heading off :-) What were you talking to Des Moines about? And when do you leave? It’s funny to speak a language that you don’t know the name of 😅