Since my last posts were more about things I've been doing, I'll make this one about things going on in me head (also I can be at peace now that I've caught up on my posts). This past week I've been in isolation at home. I only felt really bad on Saturday, but today I felt normal :) I still am supposed to stay home though from work (and you don't have to tell me twice lol). Despite being scared of Covid and scared now of what that could mean for me in the future.... I've liked being about to stay home and get things in order a bit. It's important to rest with a virus, so I've done some work from home but nothing too extreme. I had high hopes for what I might accomplish, and I've done some of it. Also next Monday is MLK Day, so there will be once again a short week for me.
I finally cracked into my new planner/bullet journal and formatted the month of January. Even though I did it a little late, to me it feels like that's when the new year starts! I haven't written them down yet, but there are many ideas I have stirring around for how I wish my year to go and what I plan to prioritize. Last year I somewhat accomplished my goals. But I never beat myself up over them. As long as I feel like I'm consistently dedicating myself to something that makes me happy, then I know that time for my other passions/hobbies will come in the future. For example, I met my goal halfway of reading a book every week last year. I was very consistent up until moving back to the US. But I'm not mad because I had many experiences the latter half of 2022 while here that I cherish (with a lot less free time). I tend to do things in phases (like reading a lot, cooking a lot, watching movies a lot, etc), so I know that things will phase in and out. Right now I think I'm in my knitting phase if you couldn't tell lol. The start of this year marks a year that I've been learning this craft :) I'm making my first sweater right now, and I find myself very excited to work on it!
Still, I do like keeping goals. So I came up with an idea that perhaps is more suited to my personal style and value of doing things. I got these nifty little habit tracker mini calendar stickers. Every month I will choose 3 habits to work on and I can mark them every day in my planner! This month for example, I made it the goal to 1) not drink sugary coffee (my iced latte addiction has been serious), 2) read 15 minutes, and 3) do my AM/PM skincare. I've been pretty good about the skincare last year but I want to try and not miss any days. I think there are so many things that we're instructed/encouraged to do, especially on social media. I think it's silly/unsustainable to try and implement them all. But there are definitely many nonetheless that I know could help me and would be good to start adopting. Like Erin's bucketlist or Aboni's yearly resolutions, I think I'll try and update you guys every month about what my monthly focus is and how things are going/have gone. One goal I will say I'll try and keep for the whole of 2023 is to be consistent with my posts!

[my january layout before I filled in the personal stuff! I used the last planner I had for 2019-2022 so I felt like it was time for a fresh start. This one is a bit bigger so I'm still playing around with the formatting but I think I like how this looks :)]
Side news: I just booked tickets to visit H at the end of May/beginning of June! I am very excited as it will have been almost a year at that point since we have seen each other :(. We'll be going to Nice for about a week and then Tours in June.

[my phone lockscreen recently]
I cant believe you’re seeing the man, the myth, the legend!! Je suis heureuse pour toi, vous avez aimé beaucoup si vous allez visité encore :00 pendant que tu reste en Nice, visiteras-tu(c’est correcte ou non?) les villes à côté? I’m glad your Covid rest is going well, staying home, especially in the cold, is always nice :)) Goals are fun, I hope you can stick to them 🔫🔫 And the journal is cute!