Hi friends! This week has been pretty average to say the least. It's mostly consisted of me tying up loose ends before work at my camp site starts. Today, I went to CPR training to get my certification renewed. It went pretty well, I mean you can't really fail CPR class, so in about a week I should receive my certificate via email. These are some of the friends we practiced on:

The highlight of my week was definitely staying with Caitlin at her dorm in Boston and going to Chatham with Caitlin, Erin, Anna and Madison. The weather was so nice and sunny and it was fun to drive everywhere. On the bus ride up to Boston, I met a man named Prasanna. He said he was visiting his sister at MIT and that he hadn't seen her in over a year because she lives in India. He was surprised I had never been to Boston before considering I go to school in Massachusetts. Prasanna used to live in Boston but had to move to New York for work, which he seemed sorta sad about. But then he told me that he recently got into the standup biz and that New York is pretty good for that. We chit chatted for the rest of the ride and I kept wondering if he was gonna use me for one of his standup routines because I got on the wrong bus. Either way, I hope he makes it famous one day so he can go back to the city he loves.
When I got off the bus, I met Caitlin at South Station. As the kind person she is, she greeted me with food :). I didn't get a picture of what she got me because I ate it shortly after I was gifted it, but I'll look for a picture of it on the interwebs. She got me this dish called Chee Cheong Fun, which is my favorite dim sum dish. It's rice noodle filled with beef, shrimp, or pork. I highly recommend it if you ever go to dim sum. She also got us steamed buns with meat inside.

Here are various pictures I took of Caitlin hehe (an appreciation collage, if you will):
(From left to right: c8lin with dim sum, c8lin looking at her running times, c8lin flossing after we discussed the scariness of gum disease, happy cape cod c8lin, laughing c8lin, c8lin dropping me off at the end of the weekend)
As Erin said the beach was really nice. After we had our picnic we went into the water and it was real chilly. We found some tiny starfish and this thing we thought might've been a jellyfish. Caitlin and I tried to make a whirlpool by running in a circle but apparently, according to Anna, this doesn't work in the ocean. All in all, it was a swell weekend. Kinda what I always used to imagine college would be like :^)
I third it hehe When do we not need a good Caitlin appreciation post?? I sometimes wish I could make friends on the bus but in practice I'm way too sleepy for that to ever happen :-). Also, very teacher like to have the Cs for us like that!
This post is so sweet I second what Naoni said. Also this photoset of Caitlin fills me with such joy (When Prasanna gets a Netflix special there Better be a story about Emma from the Bus to Boston)
I cry (your last sentence touched me), I’m glad you enjoyed yourself this weekend!