This week was the first full week of school but, in true college fashion, it feels like we've been here for a year. This semester, I mostly have afternoon classes, so I'm still trying to navigate getting up early and being productive even though I don't have class in the morning. I've actually been going to the gym a couple times a week and that's been helping.
In my photography class on Thursday, they taught us how to load film into our cameras. Our first project is to shoot "optical illusions" or things that confuse the viewer. I'm really excited to start learning about film and I wish I could dedicate all of my time to it. So far, I've only shot four photos and I need to have thirty six by Monday. I have a feeling this first roll of film is gonna be a dud, and that's okay, but I'm crossing my fingers that I'll get a couple of good shots. I'm trying to be intentional with the pictures I take, but I'm also kind of scared because it's so easy to mess film up. After we loaded our cameras the other day, I couldn't help but feel like I was walking around with such a powerful weapon in my hands. Maybe weapon isn't the right word but that's what it felt like!
Over the weekend, we went to Hampshire and I took a picture that I wish I could use for my project, but because it's not in film I can't. I don't have anything to do with the photo though, so I thought I'd put it here so at least some people will see it lol.

Also here's one of Naoni:

I'm trying to make more time to read and comment on y'alls post! But things have been busy lately. Hopefully, things will become more routine soon. Here's a picture of an iridescent bell pepper that Anna showed me...and that I later picked and ate with Naoni and Aboni. It tasted like a regular pepper but I like regular peppers so I thought it was a great time!

Omg I just saw your crowded bus pics!! They were so cool, especially the first one. It looks like something I would see at a museum!And thanks for making me look cool :’) But I also have been really busy to read these posts (as you can tell as I’m commenting almost a month later) but imma try to do better! Also, how’s managing your morning times? Has it improved??
Woahhhh I really like that first pic I wish you could have used it too :0 And it's so cool that you're working with real film!! I feel like your camera is a powerful weapon honestly...but I trust you to wield it my liege 😔🙏🙏
Same Emma I'm trying to keep up lol