According to Google, the full moon in August, ever the mysterious lady, has multiple aliases — Snow Moon, Storm Moon, Hunger Moon, Wolf Moon, Sturgeon Moon, Harvest Moon, Green Corn Moon, Grain Moon, Red Moon, and my personal favorite, Blueberry Moon.

Thursday night I was fully prepared to have a quiet, early night in; plans to watch a movie with friends had been cancelled, but I was ok with it. BUT, reflecting further about what I should be doing and how I should be spending my time, I started getting a lot of ideas. I was realizing how little summer there is left and that there are still so many things I want to do! This gave me the idea to pull an all-nighter in the near future and knock out as many of those things as possible.
Thinking about all of this, however, I remembered it was the full moon and I asked myself, How can I sit here while the perfect opportunity to do the things I want to do presents itself at this very moment, on this very night???
With little left to do but get to it, I came up with a plan of action and began in earnest.

1. Celestial makeup and special outfit -- to make something feel special, I feel like you need to get dressed up. To honor this sentiment, I did weird makeup and put on a shirt that is very cute but I haven't had the occasion to wear yet. It surely did get me in the celestial mood.
2. Clean up room -- this was an important one because that Sunday was moving day on campus where everyone would either leave or move into their academic housing room. I was pretty good about keeping things to a minimum (relatively) in my room this summer, but nonetheless packing was something I hadn't done yet. It was good that I got it done all on this night! Saturday night I was especially thankful.
3. Nails
4. Watch Fantastic Mr. Fox -- I was just really in the mood to watch this movie because I had never seen it before but felt like I really should. I had the DVD on loan from a library, yet very sadly, it was Bluray and I had no way to watch it. I therefore had to change plans a bit and I rewatched Us. It was good the second time but not as good as the first time. It's one of those movies where the element of surprise adds to its appeal. But I had forgotten a lot of the details, so I'm happy to have given it a rewatch. **I did end up being able to watch Fantastic Mr. Fox a few days ago. I can now confirm that it is what I thought it would be ie I was not disappointed. The detail in the stop motion is incredible as is the color palette. It's a Roald Dahl story, so obviously the plot is fun and witty as well.
5. Finish cross stitch -- this was the only thing that I didn't do because I was honestly too tired at this point. I've been "working" on this cross stitch for what's probably been 3+ years and a goal of mine this summer/year is to finish the many projects I start(ed). This one is almossstttt there, but OF COURSE the company didn't include enough black thread, so I've had to scrounge around. I'll be happy when it truly is done.
6. Sleep -- I ended up sleeping not much later than normal, but I was definitely more productive in those hours leading up.
Sometimes we just need the occasion to get the motivation to get things done. Usually this centers on cultural traditions like holidays. We do so much leading up and the day of, we go all out. It was fun to create a toned down semblance of excitement on my own. So if you're ever feeling down or extremely bored, I recommend it! I'm leaving for France in a little more than a week, so I just got the idea to plan something fun with friends. Towards the end of the school year, everyone, me included, is tired and stressed and leaving at staggered times. I had individual moments with everyone before leaving for the summer/year, but we never got a chance to do something all together. So clearly not everyone is at Smith, but it would be fun to share a moment to end the summer with those that are here!
Show recommendation: Derry Girls (on Netflix) -- Omema led me onto this show and I made Aboni watch it too. It's about teen girls in Northern Ireland in the 90's and I think it's really well done. The portrayal of teens is way more realistic than most shows. The last selling point is that it's only 2 seasons, 6 episodes per season, 20 minutes per episode. You could easily finish it in a night!
3. Nails
I haven't seen Derry Girls yet but I've heard such good things! I might be motivated to actually watch it now.
Oh no, no more Derry girl talk. But I’m glad that the blueberry moon helped motivate you :)
Is this what you were doing when I walked in and you were like can I help you, and I was like I am too tired for this and walked out lol. Also, Derry Girls is a must-see imo