So initially when I thought about this week's theme I immediately thought of Seattle. I could see myself realistically living there for an extended period of time as an adult. I feel like there's a lot of stuff to do there both indoors and outdoors, I like the hilly streets and I just think the general vibe there is cool.
But then I started thinking about places that I would want to live in for short periods of time and I came up with two. The first is Sedona, Arizona. I don't know a whole lot about Sedona. I went there once as a kid with my family and for a little while my parents considered retiring there. But I like the terrain there, there's lots of mountains and the sunsets are pretty amazing. I think it'd be nice to live in a place where you could always go hiking and be around nature. I also think desert plants are interesting and there sure are lots of those in Arizona!

On the opposite end of the temperature spectrum, the second place that I thought of was Alaska. Even though I hate the cold, I love snow. It snows quite a bit in Alaska but there's also so much forestry. Similar to Sedona, I would love to live in Juneau or Anchorage and just hike and (not to get all crunchy-granola on ya but) be one with nature.

If I ever did live in either of those places it would probably be only for a year or so. I think the main reason I'm drawn to them is because of the vast landscapes that they both have. Especially in Alaska. Everything is big in Alaska and when things are so grand it has this way of making me feel so nicely small.
Also question for the group: Do you guys write in books? Not books that you have to read/use for school, books that you read for fun. I don't but I always admired people who do. Yet, I can never bring myself to do it because they feel so sacred. I don't even like when you crease the spine which is usually inevitable but if I can help it I try not to. But, I know there are folks out there who do write in books because that feels sacred to them.
I think Alaska is a nice place since it’s so pretty and naturistic there. Me likey too! Also, no i don’t write in books if it’s recreational. But like I wrote in Frankenstein and 1984 because my teacher insisted and it helped me remember what that section was about when it was time for discussion. You know? Is that odd?
Alaska and Arizona are both interesting choices! I feel like those places are places people are usually from you know? Like no one usually moves to Arizona or Alaska but you meet/know plenty of people from there. So hearing you want to move there is interesting, it’s very crunchy granola of you ;)
The way you describe it, I can definitely imagine you in any of these places :) I never thought of living in Arizona but it does seem like a neat state, you don’t hear too much about it in the news (at least nationally) which gives me the impression Arizonans stay in their lane, that’s my general impression of the Southwest in general And Alaska! Cool choice :) I hadn’t thought of that, but I like it a lot. What do they say? The last frontier or is it the new frontier Two very polarized options And yes to Seattle!