When I first started making this list it was quite long, so I've tried to pare it down as much as possible. These were all formative books and movies for me but they're also some of my favorites.
As a kid, I was drawn to anything about magic or anything that had that wondrous feeling about it. You can probably see that with my movie list because they all have some element of something extraordinary.

Bridge to Terabithia- This movie was originally a book but I never read it growing up. The movie is about this boy named Jesse and his best friend Leslie. They're both sort of outsiders–Leslie and her family just moved to their town and the other kids think she's weird because she doesn't have a tv and is super outgoing, and Jesse just didn't have that many friends. Once, they become friends they create this magical land called Terabithia and they go on fun adventures that sort of mirror the things that go on in their actual lives. At it's core, this movie is about friendship and love and loss. And how children deal with all of those things. The first time I watched this movie I remember just being captivated by how beautiful some of the scenes were (even though I was like 8 lol). If any of you have seen it and care to know, my favorite scenes are the one where Jesse's family and Leslie are driving home from church and the painting scene.
Matilda- This is a pretty popular one and rightfully so. It's about a girl named Matilda who has telekinesis and uses it against all her enemies. But really just against her mean parents and her evil principal.

Spirited Away- Not to be confused with Spirit the movie about horses. Spirited
Away...I don't even know how to really describe it but it's about this kid Chihiro and her parents, and they're moving and some interesting stuff happens. I think you guys have probably seen it, so no need to explain the plot. But growing up there was something about Chihiro that I really identified with. Especially, in that opening scene where she's laying in the back seat of the car and her bouquet is wilting and she's like freaking out–younger me really felt that.
The Secret Garden- This was a movie that my Kindergarten teacher gave me for a school project I think. I thought it was so cool because it was one of those DVDs with two movies on it. But anyways, The Secret Garden is about this recently orphaned girl named Mary Lennox who is sent, from India, to live with her extended family in England. In India, Mary and her family were rich and her parents didn't really take care of her. Because she's used to getting everything she wants, she's pretty spoiled but she also has never had the chance to interact with anyone her own age. When she moves to England she finally is able to make friends and be happy. Together, her and her friends find this garden that's off limits for reasons I do not remember and go on fun little adventures on the Manor.
Harry Potter- I love this as a book series but the movies really made it come to life for me as a kid. I just really love the whole magical world and all the little details that Rowling thought about. It's one of those series that makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Junie B. Jones- This is a series of books about this mischievous girl named Junie B. Jones. Each book is essentially about some shenanigan she gets up to while being a kid. I remember in one of the books she spills grape juice on her white graduation gown and when she can't get it out she decides to color purple polka dots all over the rest of the gown to make it less noticeable. Childhood me thought this was brilliant. Ugh, I have so many fond memories of reading these books.
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret- I had to read this for a school project in 4th grade I think. Similar to the Junie B. Jones series, this book does a good job of capturing all the weird stuff that you do when you're a kid and I think that's why I liked it. It also made religion a lot more tangible for me because in the book Margaret writes letters to God and as someone who didn't grow up with religion that sorta helped me grasp spirituality.
I remember when Abigail Breslin was super big 🤔 wonder what she’s been up to In any case, I think I’ve seen/read all of these except the last one and secret garden :) I like the whimsy in your choices! That scene in spirited away gets me too I can’t remember many of the scenarios from junie b Jones, but that thing she did with the gown is hilarious 😂 it also reminded me of a series I completely forgot about and totally should’ve included ! The Ramona series by Beverley clearly? Did you read them? It reminds me of what you say about the books where it captures the weird stuff you do as a kid :)
@aboni same!! the yellow that they painted the walls was so pretty. when I was a kid I was like I'm gonna paint my room that color one day. and yeah, Leslie's death felt so unbelievable the first time I watched it. especially, because Leslie was supposed to be a good swimmer and everything :( but yeah, I think the book was based off of/inspired by real events that the author's son went through when he lost his childhood friend...idk I think the movie does a good job of capturing all the feelings that come with that from a child's perspective
@naoni I didn't even realize I was holding back but you're right! Next time I'll just go for it :)
Yeah it is crazy that we all watched/read similar things growing up even though we lived in dif places and had dif upbringings and all that. it's nice.
Yes!!!! I love Junie B Jones so much. She's so quick witted
Yeah I love bridge to terabithia and the painting scene was perfect and I love the color they used. Also, the death of Leslie as a kid was the first real death I « dealt » with as a kid. All of my family as I told you before my family die at old ages like my great grandfather (without the use of modern medicine or a good diet) dies at 105, so the thought of dying at 80 nonetheless 12 seemed impossible so watching that movie made me come to terms with my own mortality and that I can die at any moment. It made me become a more in the moment type person because Jesse not spending time with Leslie…
Awweee, don’t be scarce on us! I, and I’m pretty sure “We”, want to hear everything you have to say yo, don’t think your “sparing us” with your opinions. We are interested in what you have to say and want to hear everything no matter how long or short :) The secret garden sounds like a really cute movie! The most of the other movies, I too have watched too (isn’t it crazy that we all have such similar experiences despite only knowing each other for like 3 years :0). I loved Junie B Jones too! I read all her series and thought she was so smart and was a quick thinker (like the graduation gown thing, I was like “Wow, that…