I'm back at Smith going strong at day 3 of SURF and things right now are better than I thought they would be. Leaving Dallas was sad which I didn't realize until it was time to leave. I mean I was ready to go but I probably won't see some of my family members for another year or so. I'm luck that all my grandparents are alive and live in Dallas, but when I leave for a long time sometimes I worry about if I'll see all of them again :(.

It feels a bit weird to be back again, but considering I was only gone about 3 weeks, the transition wasn't too striking. Things are definitely different though! But also the same.... To give you an idea:
What's different
- I'm living in [redacted] and the [redacted] floor at that (I just realized probably not a good idea to put that info out on the interwebs where technically anyone can read it.) Both of which are new experiences for me! The walk isn't my favorite but perhaps I will learn to love it. I know deep down it's good for me though because otherwise I'd be very stationary this summer. Whenever I come back from lab, I tend to just... lie down and watch movies and basically not leave my room so gotta get those steps in when I can, ya know.
- The dining situation has its pros and cons. We get a certain amount of money for the CC cafe for breakfast and lunch and the amount is plenty for me. The downside is we only have dinner in Cutter Z and you know how Smith food is....
- a lot fewer people on campus which I think I'm a fan of
- Neilson is having progress made on it! Now there's a skeleton of the wings. Mayhaps we will live to see it in all its glory.
What's the same
- Mostly the feeling of being on campus is what's familiar I guess!
- I've seen some familiar faces and had nice chats :-)
Lab has been good so far. It tires me out but I get tired doing most things lol. I've come in around 10 so far and leave about 4/5. It's wild because when I think about it, I probably get as much done in a day as I would get done in a week during the semester. Things are slower on campus and I feel like I have a lot more time but in the research aspect things are speeding along. The hours are similar to the J Term French class I took but I like this better because there's no homework ꒰ᐢ◍• ‧̫ •◍ᐢ꒱
For anyone interested, the research I'm doing is on frog eggs to look at how well different

new insect repellants are working (like in comparison to the golden standard, DEET). I'm pretty much helping a master's student wrap up her work and fill in any holes.
I have fun ideas for the weekend so hopefully I bring myself to do them!
I decided on June 1 to start a 30 day movie things and so far I've stuck with it. These are the movies I watched :
- Funny Ha Ha (interesting movie. slow paced/slice of life so if u don't like that I wouldn't bother. Apparently it was the first of a movie movement called mumblecore lol. The filming is/looks low budget and the dialogue seems very unscripted because of how all over the place it can be. Very early 2000s and on Kanopy!)
- Booksmart (despite seeming kind of... not the best... I enjoyed this movie. I feel like the main characters are like 80% of smithies in high school)
- Always Be My Maybe (so cute!! recommend and on Netflix, they did amazing in depicting Asian Americans and romance without making it all about being Asian ie centering the story on being asian :') )
- Music and Lyrics (cheesy and pretty ok movie! If youre in the mood for romcom then I feel like this is a safe bet)
ps give more music recs people! I'm making a playlist :-))
pps if you feel so inclined, wish alexis to feel better bc she's sick
yeah not sure if u can reply to comments or if you guys will see this but oh well...
@ naoni: I added it! hahaha tell me what you think if you watch it and boooo i actually really liked that movie. Yes it was cheesy like most romcoms but wot cha gonna do??? Keanu Reeves was getting on my nERVES lol but that was the character evidently
@ aboni: je suis contente que tu l'aimais aussi :-)))) Pas comme une autre personne ici......... et ok!! je vais l'ajouter immédiament (sp?) à mon queue
@ erin: thank u very much! i learned from the best (remy). and yeah! even though I liked it it still kinda surprises me that it…
I've been listening to mostly Polo&Pan this past week and I know you already know them. Oh I've also been listening to the band hippocampus they're pretty good
Your culinary skills impressed me, I didn't know you were so artistic in the kitchen :0 ! And glad to hear you liked Booksmart, I also thought it seemed kinda corny from the trailer but then heard some positive reviews and got interested, hmmm Also for music: boygenius if you don't already listen, also I've been listening to these two Korean indie artists to try to keep Korean in my ear during the summer lol, I really like 새 소년 and 민수 !! And would highly recommend Paul by Big Thief/everything by Big Thief
Interessant. J'ai regarde film aujourd'hui et je pense qu'il est tres migon. J'aime la scene avec Keanu Reeves. Je recommonde "Then Came You" il est sur Netflix aussi. ;)
Idk if I showed this song yet or not but it’s called “Heaven is a place” by amber run, I think you would like it. And you liked “Always Be My Maybe”? I just watched it today and I felt like it was very dry, the only redeeming quality was Keanu Reeves. But I wanna give ”Funny Haha” a try. I think I like slice of life movies, but Idk yet: need to dabble in it a little more.