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A Friend-Filled Week


Updated: Jun 10, 2020

A lot has happened this week but instead of writing it all down I'll just give you guys a quick summary of the little (but still fun/important/nice) things:

S a t u r d a y

I finally got a much needed haircut!! Erin can tell you guys, this event has been a long time coming. We had planned to get our hair cut together back in Northampton but then life got in the way and it never ended up happening. Honestly, my hair doesn't even look that different and I probably should've gotten more off, but I wanted to be able to put it up for the summer.

S u n d a y

On Sunday, Alexis, Alesha, Caitlin, and I met up in the city. We went to get sausage egg and cheeses at Dunkin' and then headed to Washington Square Park for Boba Guys ♡. Caitlin brought us Kaya, a coconutty jam-like spread, which we proceeded to take pictures with. Her parents brought it all the way from Singapore (!!!) since they were visiting the states. It's quite good.

Later that day, I went to my cousin's high school graduation party out in Long Island. I haven't been to their house in a while, so it was nice to catch up.

M o n d a y

After work and hanging out with my boyfriend, I took the 6 train towards home. Weird stuff always seems to happen on the 6. Like the other day, when it was upwards of 90 degrees out, they had the heat on. But on Monday, this man kept asking me for money on the train and then when I told him I didn't have any he asked for food which I also didn't have. I wasn't bothered by this cause well he was just trying to get something to eat, but after I said I didn't have anything, which I didn't, he started to push it. And he started getting kind of riled up. I mean understandably so because he was probably hungry, but I really didn't have anything. Buuuuut he was getting mad and I didn't really know what to do and then this man gave him a dollar, distracting him long enough for him to forget all about me. And then, he went on his way down the car. After he left, the man who gave him the dollar looked at me and smiled, and I smiled back. I don't know, even though I didn't feel threatened, just a little uncomfy, I was touched that this stranger was willing to spend money to help me out. I know it was only a dollar but he didn't have to do anything and he still did.

W e d n e s d a y

Wednesday was spent moving boxes from the office building to the school I'm going to be at starting Monday! It was a lot of stuff and our rooms are on the third floor, but I am so excited (that's probably why I keep writing about it). I just know once camp officially starts, the summer is going to go by fast and I don't really want that to happen.

T h u r s d a y

For the fourth my cousins came over. It's funny I don't see them that often but I got to see them twice this week. We had a little barbeque in our backyard and then a couple of us went for a walk. On this walk we decided to go to PetCo where they had a chameleon.

F r i d a y

Today, Naoni and Aboni came to good ole Forest Hills. We went out for an afternoon snack at a Chinese restaurant in the neighborhood and got some good food. We even got free soup dumplings for spending over $30. Afterwards, we went to a bakery and each got a slice of cake. With our bellies full, we made our way back to their car. On the walk over, we had a riveting conversation about words that sound like their definition, and both Naoni and Aboni ran from butterflies. Then, we drove to Brooklyn to see their sister. Sadly, she was asleep but I enjoyed the car ride nonetheless. It was truly an afternoon well spent.

Naoni talking to all her fans

Aboni as she waited for her food

Aboni testing a foundation shade that Naoni said might suit her

Aboni's cake. We all had different techniques for eating our slices of cake. I knocked mine over, Naoni ate hers standing up (the cake was standing up not her), and Aboni ate it from the base

Me getting compared to Keanu Reeves



Erin Walsh
Erin Walsh

(another this comment is so late idk why sorry disclaimer) glad you got the Summer Chop we've been hoping for!! Also chameleons are all friend-shaped and shaded, no exceptions. I asked naoni about the Keanu Reeves thing recently and I still don't get it but I love Keanu and Emma Seng so I guess it's okay?


Rachel E
Rachel E

like you on the subway, some of these photos are making me uncomfy, namely the cheesecake one..... haha but wow model status on some of these! It surely was a friend-filled week!! Also, enjoyed the chameleon insert there :-)



RT @nrosemond8. Also how come all the pictures with us are blurry lol. Moreover one of the pictures you look like Kim Possible it's funny :))



Y’all (you, the Kilaykos, and Caitlin) look so happy. You’re smiles are so genuine that when I saw the pics, it made me smile too :)) And You do look like Keanu and you know it @-@ (Also, I just thought about this: Keanu is Hawaiian and something else, so this pic basically supports the fact that you’re Polynesian) I like the clarification about the “eating standing up part”



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