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A Dream is just that, a Dream

Writer's picture: abonirosemondabonirosemond

I guess a dream that I have had and will have always is being a polyglot. I want to try to speak 8 languages (English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, and German). I know that it's going to be a long and arduous task and I probably won't achieve this goal anytime soon.

I mean, I know English and French more or less and I'm hoping to take a Spanish intensive courses after I graduate from Smith. It'll also be more easy to practice Spanish since all of my friends in Georgia pretty much speak it. I'll be roasted for mispronunciations, but that's why it's going to be intensive lol. The next language after Spanish is more than likely going to Japanese and maybe Naoni can teach me some since she's been taking some online courses this summer and German soon after since I've always found the language ugly and funny, and as an arresting development, romantic and beautiful. All the other languages I couldn't care less about, but see their importance in learning and being able to communicate, but I will probably learn those languages well into my 40s when all I have to do is psychiatry and travel, you know. I feel like I will struggle a lot learning these languages, but I think the reward will definitely be worth it. I think learning another language gives you more insight into a world that you would never have access to otherwise. It gives way for a better understanding of sociolinguistics, culture, and just being able to communicate with a larger portion of the world. During my short time in Switzerland I came to learn that most Swiss people are either bilingual or trilingual, equally, and they are one of the biggest polyglots in the world.

Coming into contact with them amazed me and I think it speaks a lot on their great skills in diplomacy and neutrality because they are able to properly communicate with a lot of people. I want to implement some of this diplomacy and neutrality in my life to help me better help patients in the future. Language opens a whole world to you and there will be no space for discrimination or miscommunication if I'm able to properly understand their culture and speak their language!

Aside from that I went to South Georgia and went to the Little White House which is were FDR went to heal his polio and where he died. Learned a lot about the man and his wife. Might try to read the wife's autobiography soon. And might I add, I can honestly say that I understand why Georgia is one of the states with the fastest growing Corona cases. I went to this place Callaway Gardens and it had a mini "beach" where people were stacked up on top of each other like sardines and no mask were in sight, so my family and I decided to ride bikes and it was a nice start, but the bikes that were given to us were cruisers and not mountain bikes. Thus, the mountains that we were literally riding over was extremely difficult. I felt bad for my mom and her boyfriend because they are old and definitely not prepared for all of its difficulties. We all became dehydrated and went into survival mode in order to find some water. We were in the back woods with no way of getting help since we didn't have service nor a map to pinpoint where we were. In the end we didn't find any water, but there was a kola ice shop, and we rested up there.

Soon after we got some Cracker Barrel which was a first for me in like years! The food was better than expected, but not something I would come back for. The turnips and catfish were all right and the pinto beans weren't bad, but it wasn't what I was used. After that we went to a super nice hotel and made a snack run and got to look around Lafayette and LaGrange (I don't know why these towns are in French, maybe I should look into this) and let me tell you something. I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO A MORE AMERICAN STORE! It was horrible all I wanted was some lime juice, aloe Vera juice, hot Cheetos, and ramen. I couldn't find most of it and the ramen they did have was some random brand I've never seen. I walked around trying to find some semblance of snacks I like to no avail. I was horrified lol. Anyway, the next day we went on a mini safari and got to see some wild animals. A funny situation happened where a wilder beast was chasing some water buffaloes and Bison away for no reason and cased a mini stampede it was cool to see. We also saw some elks and deer, but because hunting season is drawing near (when bucks get, um, spicy) their antlers were growing which is really painful and itchy process for them and one of the elk's antlers was a bloody mess and I didn't want to feed him, but then his big ole eyes made me feel bad and I gave in. One thing I learned about feeding wild animals though is that their breaths are funky!

Beside my families weekend trip I had a mini panic attack for the first time since I 've been home and honestly it was one of the worst that I've had. I was shaky, with a headache, and my heart kept skipping a beat and made me feel faint. Due to this random event I couldn't fall asleep and stayed for about 30 hours with no sleep. I was so tired that the next day I slept for 14 hours. In recent developments I've officially become a medical scribe and have been on the hunt for real soya milk (I would like to make a difference between American and Chinese milks since apparently they're distinctly different). Life is good for now and I'm really looking forward to the semester and the difficulties it will bring. Also, my son after 21 years of unemployment got his first job and I got the chance to pay him a visit just to see him be harassed by some customers, but I was happy to see him nonetheless and was able to return the favor of a fat tip to him finally.

feast your eyes

If you made it to the end I'm impressed lol, thanks for reading :))

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1 Comment

Aug 17, 2020

You had a lot to say this week :00. My reasons for learning languages is much like yours. I don’t think my goals are as ambitious but the best of luck to you! Hopefully we will be able to speak at least 3 different languages to each other ;)



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