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A different Jeff–that's right Jeff Probst I'm talking about you


It's Thanksgiving break and all I can say is it's about time! I've got a lot of work to do in the next three days, but I'm just happy I get to be home. I've been watching the new season of Survivor and so far it's been interesting. I'm only six episodes in but this season already feels very different from seasons past. The people on it are super dramatic. I think almost every vote has been a blindside and overall this season has been going super fast. In the past, the earlier episodes have always felt like a buffer in the sense that the tribes usually stick to their alliances and go with the "easy vote". But this season, every vote is being utilized so a potential big threat goes home before they become more of a threat later on. I realize you guys might not know what I'm talking about if you don't watch the show, but it's what's been taking up most of my brain space as of late. And you guys should watch it!! Though if you enter the Survivor world here, I don't know if you would view it the same way because you haven't seen the progression of the show. So it may not be very interesting.

The main reason why I love this show is because it's a highly strategic, psychological game–one that, in many ways, mimics real life. On the episode I just watched this contestant said "Survivor is a microcosm of America" and I think that's what makes it so interesting to watch. Even though it's a game, it highlights larger issues within our own society. Anyways, currently the person who I want to win is Kellee. I don't know if she's even still in it because I'm not completely caught up, but that's who I'm putting my money on.

I think I'm going to end this post here even though it's kind of short. My family is supposed to go to the city tomorrow (or later today since it's 1am) and I have to wake up early for that.

Goodnight friends!!



Unknown member
Dec 30, 2019

I didn’t know you were such a fan of survivor! It’s been running quite a long time hasn’t it? I didn’t even realize they still did it? Maybe it’s comparable to how amazing race is still going on, I remember I was in this program in elementary school and for one of the activities you could choose, it was called survivor and was really popular. I never did it though so I still don’t know what the show is all about, other than you probably are trying to survive haha


Erin Walsh
Erin Walsh
Dec 20, 2019

My parents watched the finale the other night idk what they thought though hehe

And yeah I think there's a lot of interesting stuff in reality shows! even what naoni was talking about, how a lot of things are fabricated to create a certain narrative. You could probably write a really interesting sociology paper on survivor tho lol


Unknown member
Dec 06, 2019

Idk dude, when I watch reality shows I focus on how much they are trying to convince its audience that’s it’s all “real” rather than the actual show. That’s why I don’t think I could ever watch it :// plus when I walked in on you and Anna, and watched it for a few minutes, it looked so staged that I couldn’t even continue. But I’m glad you like the show! It’s an interesting show idea and I like listening to you talk about it :D



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