I’m getting my wisdom teeth out in a few hours (Wednesday morning), and I’m not sure how I’ll react so I just want to make sure I have something up just in case!
I’ve never had a dog, but I definitely have wanted one before. Oh, to be one of those fictional kids who receives a puppy on Christmas. I think it’s kinda weird that my parents never wanted us to have one or to have a pet experience because both of them had dogs at some point growing up? I guess it didn’t leave such a lasting impression on them which is strange because most people I know with dogs are obsessed with them. Also my mom always says she thinks she would step on the dog on accident -_-

I think big dogs are neat and can be really fun and gently, but realistically I feel like if I were to ever have a dog, it would be a smaller one (watch me have a big dog now in the future). Like probably one of those white ones that all Asian aunts seem to have.

the first thing I thought I’d when I thought of this prompt was a song Mamamoo has about dogs (at least that’s what it is on the surface, not sure what they’re actually singing about...) I’m curious to know what you guys think about the song bc it’s one that I find really cute but don’t think is for everyone
and some dogs to round things out

lol fine i take it back they are all cute in their special way 🙃(not really :p)
Also you think shibas are ugly?! I thought they were all cute except the renaissance one 🤬
@aboni HATER!!!! 😤
That video was ummm... interesting. Anyway, your renaissance dog pic really conveys a lot of emotions. I feel his yearning to be petted and be called a good boy. And I think a small dog would really suit you 😊
The last couple of pics were of pretty weird, might i say ugly, dogs lol. And that song actually made me want to bang my head into a wall but for some reason i kept listening to the song. Guess it’s one of those song you can’t but listen to but still hate. And don’t get the white dog with red crusties please it ain’t cute lol