So here's my blog post from last week:
Today I lost a little bit of myself…I had to take out all of my piercings. At first it was causing a lot of mental distress for me and I really was worried that I was going to fall back into unhealthy coping mechanism (ie self-harm), but I said it out loud to some of my fellow PCTs and realized that taking out my piercings wasn’t that serious and that I would be aight lol. I was truly being dramatic but without saying it aloud I would’ve of never realized it. High-key the Peace Corp is making me realized that I have come a long way with my coping mechanisms. I’m not battling depression, my social anxiety isn’t bad (though my general anxiety is so generalized that I don’t know how to change that one as of now), I have a proper supportive social network that’s included more than enough people, I’m not lonely, I have self-worth and esteem. I know that I deserve happiness and I won’t let anything keep me away from it. I really do believe that happiness is a state of mind and I have it. Even though life is hard right now and I’m having some familial issues I can still confidently say that I’m happy.
I’m trying to get better about complaining too much versus venting/sharing emotions. I’m not perfect, but I’m learning and I’m sure I’ll find my middle soon. But I say this to say thanks for being such a good support network for me guys. And I really do miss you guys and I’m looking forward to the day we will be together soon.
Other than that guys I don’t have any updates…I have no piercing right now and I’m biking like a mofo lol. Okay ttyl ✌️
(my friends)

(making rice flour, I think)
Here's my post for this week, it's just some videos of my morning... I'm gonna try to make a more comprehensive video when I get better Wi-Fi/ in my permanent site and have more free time.
***The videos I took I accidentally deleted, so I'm going to record a more comprehensive video for next week. Okay byyeeeee!!!
eeek i am so curious to hear more and see the vid!!! Gah, I would be really sad if I had to take even just my lobes out, I'm sorry luv. hope you are coping okay and doing well these days. Can't wait to see you sometime next year and hear all about your Cambodian life!
Lol your friends are so pretty! Anyways, I am looking forward to your video :D
YAY my bestie will soon be a cambodian ;)