Sooooo, it is an hour before Tuesday ends so this post is gonna be brief. Basically, I believe that the best reality shows to be on is Wipe Out and 90 Day Fiance. Like with Wipe Out it would be cool to have a cool tag phrase that will make me a fan favorite. Also how awesome would it be to meet John, John, Ballsie, and Jill?! And then with 90 Day fiance, you get to travel and marry a foreign man (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Anyway, I wanted to also mention my story about my interaction with a Karen yesterday. So me and Sebastian were heading over to surprise Aboni at Pita. On our way there, a lane started closing and so Sebastian decided to get in front of this car as he merged. As he was merging, the lady behind kept closely inching beside the car. But as she kept being aggressive and trying to intimidate Sebastian from coming in she inadvertently kept kicking herself out of the lane. So by the end of things when the lane was closed, she was in the middle turning lane which made her triggered. So she speed forward and tried to force herself back into the lane in front of us, but Sebastian was like nope and made up his mind that he was not letting her in and so she kept trying to be aggressive. And her annoying aggression got her and Sebastian’s car scratched as she scraped his car with hers which her made her literally insane. She kept driving up on Sebastian and started swerving and just being all literalness, just crazy. After like 5 minutes of her being annoying, I got really impatient and was like “We need to pull over cause we about to throw hands with this lady.” And so Sebastian pulled into a parking lot and the lady followed and parked her car near the exit to try to prevent us from leaving. And as we pulled up closer to her to fight, she hopped out of the car and started yelling and banging on Sebastian’s window and so we opened the window and started screaming and yelling at us. She wouldn’t let anybody speak and when I told her to stop yelling at Sebastian as he wasn’t yelling at her, she told me to shut up. When she did that, something in me knew that she was a Karen and I was like I shouldn’t fight and should probably just record her for evidence just in case she wanted to say something funny. Here is the vid below:
After the vid, me and Sebastian went to Pita. We told Aboni the story and while she made our food, Sebastian decided to call his siblings who had experience with accidents. Ultimately, they told him to call the cops and to report the incident just in case the lady wanted to report and hit and run and try to have Sebastian. And when he called the cops, it turned out she did actually call the cops and had the cops looking for his car to gather information. But the stupid part was that she didn’t try to press charges so her reporting was stupid. So yeah, that was the “most “interesting” to happen this week. I'll end on a lighter note with some better things that happened this week :').

But I hope you ladies are doing well and having a good week thus far! ttyl!
^Rt And yeah your room looked cute and that shelf cloud looks cool!
Wow nice recap! I can’t wait ro see pics from your senior year travels and I hope to be in some of them with you...And yes the sandstorm made Georgia evenings look amazing!!! And yup Gigi does look Hip!