Sooooooooooooo this is the last week of normalcy I have, for the next 4 weeks I will be bouncing between cities. A week ago I was really exctied for all the adventures, but now that I am a day away from all of it I am a little bit stressed by it. However, it is all an adventure and I love adventures I just need to dive in: it reminds me of when I have to go to work. I always say I don't want to go but once I see my students I like it and I always ask myself why I didn't want to go in the first place.
Anyway, since this is a safe space and I don't really have much to talk about: I will talk about some contention in one of my fandoms. Basically, in this fandom there was a theory that someone recently introduced that a character may be a SA perpetrator. Grave? Yes. Would I have naturely come to this conclusion based on the canon? No. I think, however, based on the evidence the theorist continously presents as well as after critically rereading the series, it is quite compelling (though I still hope this theory isn't true T-T). But regardless of whether the theory is true or not, I think that the theory introduced a bigger question of what is the difference between triggering and what is representation for me. Like I think if this theory ultimately unfolds in the series, I would think that it was beautifully, maturely, and tastefully inserted into the plot. Additionally, I think that it would provide "good" representation to SA victims that is productive/healthy. I feel like a lot of times victims are always just summed up as just being victims and never seem to add any nuances to their experiences nor really explores different ways in which people cope with their trauma. Yet, a lot of people in the fandom feels as though the theorist overstepped for trying to introduce something so heinous into a series as well as argued that if this theory was actually true that it would be demented, sick, and triggering of the author... But like is it? Already in the series we have seen so much violence, abuse, neglect, manipulation, and much more in the series so adding SA isn't that far from the dark themes that have already been present in the series ya know? Anyway, I say this all to say, what do y'all think? Is it possible to walk that dangerously fine line of representation, speifically when talking about SA? Is there even a such thing as healthy representation of SA victims particularly for younger audiences?
Yeah, other than trying to unpack those questions I have finsihed Huck Finn once and for all and have begun reading a feminist theory book that a friend sent me, I have visited Paris and Rouen with Erin :), smoothed out everything for the Italy trip, packed my entire room and even rearranged my room back to the way I found it, and have been saying goodbye to my babes (I said good bye to my fav class today and was lowkey a little bummed by it :(, my fav student (the one who was getting bullied) was like "tell Atlanta that we all say hello" and Idk why but that really hurt to hear because I realized that I was returning home never to see them again. This was just a brief cross in pathes for all of us, we will all quickly return to our normals and just be memories for all of us T-T).
But yeeeeah, I hope you ladies are doing fine! I am excited to see what you all are up to and I hope you all have a good week!!! See y'all soon <3
Had snow, despite 4 days ago it felt like 70 :'))

That's it for me tho, do good everyone! Byeeeeeeeee
So I think that there's a good way and bad ways of inserting experiences. If you're inserting it to show and give representation in a way that's glorifying the abuse or lifestyle, I don't like it. Kinda of like Euphoria with drugs, Blue is the Warmest Color with statutory r***, and overall movies that insert random r*** scenes. But in the case of the anime where essentially it's showing how a young boy is dealing with being a SA victims in an era where it wasn't talked about or even considered, in my opinion, is good representation. People don't understand how trauma and representation work, imo. Like I had a rough childhood and sometimes seeing child abuse on TV makes…