As many know, I am not a huge movie fan per say. I feel like they are too long and in my opinion don't really try to keep your attention. I feel as though movies make you actively watch for small details and such that usually become hugely relevant/important by the end. But because the way movies are designed, endings usually are anticlimactic. So after I finish a movie, I feel empty and/or annoyed that I wasted my time and energy which ultimately leads me to hating the movie.

So movies I hate that still have me fuming are Star Wars, It Comes at Night, Edge of Seventeen, and Call me by your name. As for Star Wars, I felt like it was hyped up a lot. So by the time I got through to watching the movie I was just like, “Ummm… Okay.” by the end.

Then, It Comes at Night is T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E! It was a “horror” movie that literally was not in the least bit scary. I think it was trying to run off of suspense but it was poorly executed. But perhaps the worst part of the movie was the fact that Stanley (the dog) was killed for no reason!

Edge of Seventeen... It is a movie filled with TOO MUCH angst and drama. I felt like the protag was overly-reactive and did things to spite people that always rightfully bit her in the butt. She always got upset by nonsense and petty things. Usually, I can find it funny when movies have over-reactive teens or pre-teens who have to deal with minor situations but this movie made it obnoxious and by the end I was glad that the movie was just over.

Lastly, there is Call me by your name. I watched the movie this year with Emma and I was really disappointed. I was really surprised by their love development, it completely came out of left field for me. Maybe I am just that bad at detecting love, but idk. I felt like a lot of their initial interactions were just like a boy who seemed jealous of his dad’s apprentice for being cool. Plus, I was really disturbed by their age difference (like the fact that one of the dudes was 30/40 and the other was still in high school/freshly out of high school(?)). That’s a WHOLE case and no one even addressed it!

But yeah, thats my list of most hated movies. In other news, today is my nieces birthday and she turned 5! Idk, it’s crazy how fast kids grow.

But aside from that, I haven’t really done much. Per the usual, I added some highlights from my week along with my lookbook (each “look” was inspired by a piece of clothing that I rarely/never wear). I hope you guys enjoy and I cant wait to see y’all‘s :D

(Volume on for full effect ;))
The look book was very interesting, not my style but I could appreciate it :)). I agree with all of your movie reviews (since we hated on these movies together lol). And i wanna go back to Antigua tbh sharing that meal didn’t let me appreciate the food enough T_T.
absolutely MURDERED by these looks, the wednesday adams dress one was my fav and the one with the flowers! I also liked when you did that thing where you start doing something then shake your head
Out of these movies I saw the edge of seventeen and call me by your name. Both I thought were ok, but I was let down by the first. The second I could appreciate for the ~aesthetics~ but I already have a thing against timmy and I was also super wary of the age difference. Your reviews really made me laugh, especially the star wars one
Happy birthday to your niece! I'm jealous of that food.... looks so delicious >_<