Since I've been home I've been sick it has SUCKED. It was literally so bad that I was crying, luckily it is not COVID but idk if I think it is just allergies/hay fever but my symptoms are confusing (just go to the next paragraph if you don't wanna read about medical-y stuff), like I have clear snot, the sneezes, nose congestion, laryngitis, and teary eyes as though it is allergies/hay fever BUT! I had high fevers and chest congestion like it's an infection. Plus I have confusing symtoms like body aches that could be both caused from infection and allergies. So I came to the conclusion that my allergies turned into an upper respiratory infection. What do you guys think?

Anyways, I haven't done much outside of seeing my niblings, going to south Ga for Stacey's graduation (she's officially a nurse!), and meeting Sebastian's dog.

Outside of that, I am feeling better now and am trying to catch up to messages before I start organizing a schedule and get my ducks in a row to get my life started towards preparing for medical school :')). I have something to consider though so we shall see about everything soon.
Errrrrr that's it from me, I'll add some photos from the past week below and I'll talk to y'all soon!!

Glad u r feeling better queen :')
Sucks that you were sick, but we are def better now. Also, I miss being with the ladies too, lol. And your airplane food looks kinda gross, but I remember you said it was REALLY good, so don't judge a boom by its cover right, lol
ooh your dresses are so cute in stacy's grad pic! congrats to her :D... the dead rat tho T-T
also I appreciate the airplane food shot, even if it's not that good in the end I still like to have a little memento
feel better and keep resting up!
I am so sorry that you are feeling sick but like with all things this to shall pass….I will help you get better…I am glad that you are home and we will get through it together….and BTW…great pics!