I was thinking all day about what has embarrassed me but to me embarrassing is something that you are ashamed of and, personally, I have nothing I am really ashamed of. A lot of what has embarrassed me in the moment, I now found funny. Well now that I think about it, I just raised a suppressed memory of mine but that is something I will never ever share and will continue to suppress :’). But honestly, excluding that one instance, if someone created an entire movie based on all my embarrassing moments that happened, I would be fine. I guess I process embarrassment like this because I am a pretty weird person. Thus, if I was immensely embarrassed by everything I did and held onto that, I would drive myself crazy/wouldn’t be able to exist cause I do A LOT of embarrassing things. Buuut enough prefacing, I will now share my embarrassing story!
Last summer, I was with my host sister and her mom in Japan and we were riding our bikes back from a day of surfing at the beach. When a bug flew at me. Now the things about the bugs in Japan is that they are H-U-G-E! They don’t have normal little tree bug beetles or normal sized ugly butterflies, instead they have gigantic beetles where you can make out every little detail of their bodies-- which minds you fly-- and butterflies that are literally the size of your face and can hear the flapping of their ugly wings. And when they hit a window or a door, you can LITCHERALLY hear them do so. SKJBDJKBDO just thinking about it gives me the heepy-jeepies. Anyways, this nasty, ugly, fat bug flew into my face and was trying to crawl on my face while I was riding and I flipped. I lost all consciousness of my surroundings and what was happening and my only goal was getting that ugly creature off of my face. So instinctively, I put my hands to my face and pull the nasty thing off of my face. As I did so, I was screaming my lungs out and my bike drove off the sidewalk and was in the street with a car quickly approaching me. So after I got the bug off my face I started screaming even louder because I was about to slam into a moving car as my host sister and host mom was screaming my name but luckily I was able to move fast enough to pull my bike to the curb, narrowly escaping getting hit. After the experience I was shaking and my host fam was saying “oh my gosh you good?” but meant more like “oh my gosh you are crazy!”.

Soooo yeah, that is my embarrassing story, I hope you guys enjoyed :D, I leave you guys with some pics of my little adventures from this week. K, ttyl mes amies!

Nahhh @Emma, my host fam knew too well that I was petrified of bugs. They even made fun of me a few times because of it 😂
it's probably good that you don't generally suppress your embarrassing moments. did you tell your host fam that you did that because of a bug or were you just like I lost control of the bike for a hot sec?
I like that you always include pictures at the end of your post to sum up your week. as they say pictures are worth a thousand words and I feel like you can see that in your posts. I've been craving bubble tea so much lately.
that's a wild plot twist
Your niblings holding the signs....so cute
I want to know your suppressed memory now too :0 we need to have a blog conference call...reveal your secrets.
The way you handle embarrassment is probably very healthy. I definitely feel a lot of embarrassment/think of myself as a pretty embarrassing person. But whenever I think about something "cringey" I did in the past, I take some solace in at least being able to realize that I've grown from that embarrassing experience.
I can't really remember seeing giant bugs in Japan and now I feel grateful, I probably would have freaked out like you too :0 glad you got through it dude
see! sometimes it can so embarrassing/ashaming that you had to suppress it. and YEAH what aboni said. nevertheless I envy you for being able to handle embarrassment like this
this bug story sounds scary more than anything, you could've died! when I tried to ride a bike I also got hit by a car but that's because I don't know how to ride a bike...
anyways, props to you for making it out alive :-)
I will LITCHERALLY die for Daisuke. I’m forever his simp. And you should tell me your most embarrassing story (but low key we trashing on Rachel for trying to pull the move you just did)