Yeeeeeah, as the title suggests its getting real wild out in these streets. I have been across some frightening situations but I think this scenario I had Monday night really spooked me and shook my sense of safety. My co-worker and I have this silent agreement where he cleans and takes care of the back/the kitchen and bathroom and I take care of the front/the eating area and counter which means I must take out the trash that accumulates up front. I was taking the trash out as usual, checking my surroundings ready to run back into the building if I see anything scary like an animal or a human however because my job is in a complex of other neighboring businesses most of the people you see back there are just employee. So when I initially saw a person as I was walking to the dumpster I wasn't too alarmed by his presence, but as I neared him I realized he was like trying to hide behind the corner and had a ski mask on and was hold something shiny in his hand, which I assumed was a gun since it was too big to be a knife. I was gonna drop the trash and run back in to the building at that point but I realized that would've been stupid because he probably would've shot me assuming I would go inside to report him to the cops and/or would've assumed that I was the person he was trying to get (I guessing he is a hitman at least since it seems like he is trying to scout someone out). I slowly just threw the trash and briskly walked back to my building, being sure to keep checking behind. He was fine and stayed in his place but at last few feet I got he started walking over so I ran inside and locked the door behind me. When I told my coworker, he said that the guy did the same thing the other night and he said it even spooked him and made him lock the doors earlier (and he is from this area ANDDDD he lived in Brazil). He said that we will start taking the trash out together or he'll just do it himself which gives me some comfort, but hopefully that guy isn't around again. Despite the situation, I am grateful to be okay especially since there have been a lot of random parking lots lately that have been resulting in death (just last month, a teen was randomly shot dead in the parking lot across the street T-T).
I was a little duress from that along with some familial issues which made it hard for me to post Tuesday night. But! I am all well now and am just vibing and enjoying my newest obsession: Bleach 🤪.
As usual, I leave my pics from the week-- ttyl!!!

[Went to do paperwork with Sebastian and his bf at Cuck's]

[It was really yummy! I NEED to go back ASAP]

Yeah like everyone already said…you need to be safer, quit. Living is more important than money, you know. And the restaurant looks so good and cool. Def gotta take me there when yo I get back ;)
me after watching cut the egg
i agree with erin! be careful >_< is there anything else you could do besides go out together? could you leave the trash in double bags inside and make it so the morning crew takes it out right away?
I liked your moms reaction to the omurice hehe the restaurant looks mighty yummy :D
And I'm glad you're getting to spend time with your niblings :) The coats are super cute indeed. How cold does it get there?
aaaa that is really scary! stay safe... ;-; the omurice looks good, and glad you got to spend some time with your niece, but yeah. keep yourself safe no matter what. no job/task is worth your safety