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The Update

Writer's picture: nrosemond8nrosemond8

You know I was gonna update my previous post then I was like, instead of updating I can just make a gerthy follow up post. So that's what imma do :)

I really haven't been thinking much thoughts which has sadden me and has lead me to realize that my Tiktok era needs to come to an end. I mean I like it and all and I really enjoy scrolling and coming across goofy gems but it is honestly taken up a lot of my time and I truthfully can be doing better things like getting through more animes to shorten my list, writing, reading all the books that I was so excited to read through after I graduated college, responding to messages that are WAAAAAYYYYY overdo, learning dancing, amongst other things.


As for my schedule that I mentioned in my last, last post has been going alright. I make sure to at least stretch every night but as far as everything else not so much, but that's because a lot of my plans on contingent on others. So I am going to try to do stuff solo so I can stick to my schedule better.

Walking through the park :)

And I finally am receiving more work hours which is making me happy because there are a lot of things I have pushed off on buying that I need for when I go to Peace Corps. So that's another weight that'll be lifted off of my shoulders.

Then there's visitng season with my friends that is coming up soon. Don't get me wrong, I am really excited to see them but this whole monkey pox things has me PARANOID. Like when I worked on Sunday, anytime I would touch money I would wash my hands and because I am cashier, that was often. It was so often that my hands became super dry 😭😭. But it is okay ig, a little disadvantage so that I don't have any incidental ways of catching it. But sometimes I do indeed feel like I am being a little much since it is still a rare disease even if cases are rising and the cases are disproportionately out of my field of entertainment (I think I read somewhere that like 95% of cases have been traced back to contact through sex and the other 5% only includes a handful of other modes of contraction).

looked up the dets to give more accurate info :D

Outside of that, my niece celebrated her big 1-0! She's getting bigger and bigger and it's crazy to see how much kids grow and change within their lives within such little time!

[My niece and her friend ate junk food and painted and made bracelets, I used my fort-chitecture skills to build a for her and her friend, she played board games until midnight before the old people went to sleep (my niece and her friend stayed up until 4am 😭)]

But yeeeeah, that's all from me :) Per the usual, I will add pics of my week (2 weeks more rather), TTYL ❤️

My sisters and I went to a school supply drive for my niblings and it was so cute-- they had barbers, they were giving away shoes, had face painting, AND bbq! It really was nice because they made getting school supplies fun for kids who otherwise would be upset to go because they don't get the "cool" stuff :')))

Went to a sub-par cafe 😭, ,the cake looked really pretty but the consistency of the cake was like a muffin 💀

After retwisting her hair, my niece helped me cute potatoes for lemon pepper

We went to the beauty supply store and my niece wanted to see how she would look with big hair

The clouds have been so spectacular this summer! On this day tho, the clouds made everything look orange/golden it was so cool-- the pic doesn't do it much justice!

Went to orientation for the nibbs and realized we had really wack classrooms growing up. They get cool chairs and different seating options and have soft rules!

[Went to the SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design) museum, it was cool but small]

My sister after getting released from the hospital for a kidney stone

Tried to celebrate cheesecake day and found a kiosk thing that took pics :0

Found my niece's pre-k graduation day book and it made me smile :)

Can you find my nephew?

[Since Anna is leaving for Mass soon, we have been spending a lot of time together!]

[Yesterday was out last day together :( ]

solo time with the man

Okieeee byeeeeee!


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Erin Walsh
Erin Walsh
Aug 16, 2022

Happy bday to your niece!! Those seats do look cool lol I wish I had those growing up, we just had like carpet squares and basic kid chairs. And yeahhh I get the monkeypox stress, it kind of freaks me out because I have a bad habit of touching my face lol it's hard to unlearn...

And eek I hope your sister's okay -- kidney stones sound painful ;-;


Aug 12, 2022

I really like seeing this post. Kinda makes my summer seem so much better. You're right that the sunsets have been awesome (and overall the clouds too), and yeah monkeypox are scary and tbh I think we might be, being a little bit too paranoid though. But I'm most excited for all the friends we are going to be seeing for the next couple of weeks!!!!


Rachel E
Rachel E
Aug 11, 2022

I guess you won't be giving me a massage any time soon :( LOL but yeah.... I think it's mainly spread you know how... but even being on the subway is freaky. Especially for the summer with everyone sweating T-T

Your nieces are so cute! And they are growing up! The sleepover sounds fun :D that's my kind of party I have to say

I'm glad you're having time to spend with loved ones :) Also it does seem that elementary school seating has faced an upgrade. Lucky them! (although I wonder if they ever fall out hahah)

Aug 12, 2022
Replying to

The sleepover was fun. I think I would've wanted this growing up too! Also, yee...the kiddos are getting BIG, it's crazy idk if I like it or not lol


Tori Rosemond
Tori Rosemond
Aug 10, 2022

Wow you nailed this week! What a really cool way to end the week lots of stuff done and really cool pics I love the SCAD pic we look like Charlie’s Angels



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