So this week, my friends and I went to an Atlanta Symphony Orchestra concert. It was nice: we thought this guy was dead but then he would clap after each piece so we assumed he was just high on drugs or something. Here are some cute pics of the man and us :)

Anyway, I have recently finished this new anime called Devilman Crybaby and it was SO good, by the end of it I was literally on the verge of tears. Speaking of animes bringing me on the verge of tears, this anime Caitlin and I watched called Sarazanmai almost had me in my bag too. The episode they released this week was so crazy that it was trending on Tumblr

But now after 2 weeks of Aboni being gone, I have gotten into a nice routine. I wake up, get ready, make breakfast, and then eat and read. Even though it isn’t fancy or extravagant, I enjoy doing so most mornings. It fills me with joy.

Speaking of joy, so far this entire break has been just that for me, joyous. It doesn’t mean it has been been flowery everyday but when I reflect every night on my interactions and myself as a person and it makes me joyous because I am myself again. I am whole, I am Naoni. Most of you guys know me best as a sad boi (especially because of sophomore year), which makes me sad since you guys don’t enjoy me any other way ://, but hopefully I will be rejuvenated and ready for this coming semester and you guys can enjoy me as the true Naoni.

Anywho, I talked to Caitlin and Erin this week and that made my day. But our flow was very weird: first I talked to Erin then to Caitlin and then added Erin in so that we could all talk (apparently, I am in such a remote area that my connection is bad which I never knew until recently). But the thing I remember most from our conversation was when we somehow got onto the topic of tasing and how now Caitlin’s new dying wish is to tase me just how one girl wanted to tase a police officer before she died.
But moving onto this weekend, I went to Georgia’s largest flea market called Pendergrass Flea Market. It was cool and had a lot of neat stuff. It had a lot of authentic Mexican restaurants (that literally made me nut) and tons of cool little trinket and gizmo shops.

Then I celebrated my nieces and nephews birthdays. They are only a year apart and their birthdays are only two weeks apart so instead of having a two separate parties we just have one a week after my nephew’s and a week before my nieces. But to celebrate we went to this public pool. It was the most wild pool I have ever been too. There was so many people in there, mostly kids, and I am pretty sure they were all peeing in there (I noticed no one went into the bathroom the entire time I was there) but I still enjoyed myself. I swam myself tired and had fun harassing my niblings and teaching them how to swim.

But yeah that has been my week. Now be good this week and remember if you ever have any questions ask Sebastian, he recently opened his third eye.

I'm glad you're having such a good break, everything's coming up Naoni this year :-) Also will consult Sebastian with all my burning life questions
The book series called Gone, started it in hs now I finally decided to finish it
This is so nice. Happy that you're feeling like yourself again :)) I like Sebastian's third eye. I'm glad he's awoken his true powers. What book are you reading?
Lol, I love the third eye. Also yeah you're having a lot of fun and happy for you :)...but I miss you too :-*
So happy for you ( about feeling yourself)!! I know what you mean about having routines and that just being something nice! It sounds like you've been up to a lot of fun stuff though and are around people you love which is always good. The pool things sounds like the opening scene of the first diary of a wimpy kid movie XP