I just finished all my finals today and I am a mess. In the span of this final season, I have forgotten that I am a human being T-T. But luckily, it is all over! I plan on taking a nice shower and reading some manga tonight which I am really excited about.

Anyway, reflecting on my week it was pretty uneventful and full of stress. But some things that are worth noting was my Friday night. Nothing excited or worth mentioning but I thought that night was very wholesome and intimate and I thought it was nice.

Then on Sunday, most of the Capen gang (didn’t forget about you Erin) went to Madison’s house and had brunch as our end of the semester tradition.

But that’s it! This is the last week I have here at Smith for another year!

The capen gang! Je vous adore ! Those finals nights are sometimes some of the best. Nothing brings you closer than the weight of your future as you cross the finish line
Why is that everytime I take a pic with people I look so uncomfortable lol
ah so many nice friends,,, it must feel good to be free from smith for a while !!
what manga even is that though?