Dang, once again I am late to posting. Luckily Rachel is keeping me accountable, but I promise next week I will have my post on time (but to be fair, last week I just forgot to press publish-- it was legitimately already done and created I promise).
Anywayyyys, this week has been an adventure to say the least. Once again, spending my days doing for my niblings and for the house in general as well as running between different buildings to get my paperwork done for Peace Corps. As for running my family's house it is a bit stressful and I see how parents have arguments over who is doing more and therefore deserves help. Like for me, I get frustrated with my family because no one is really doing for the kids. I feel as though if I don't initiate tasks or ask for help, nothing will get done. And when I ask for more initiative from everyone else so that I don't have to be the initator for everything since it can be tiring, they express that they have other obligations that apparently causes them to feel as though they don't have to do much since they are already "doing a lot". But I come to realize that it is about dropping that feeling of earned help and just simply asking for help regardless of everything going on. This mindset has helped me avoid getting into arguments and from getting myself worked up (which I really don't want to do because then I will lash out on the people who I am trying to help). But yeah, it has helped me a lot and has given me much needed peace.
As for Peace Corps, I am still on a good track :). Out of the list of 14/15 things I initially had to do, I now only have like 4/5 more things to do. I am so excited to get this all over with because it will be such a big weight off my shoulders!
So yeeeeeah that's all for me... I will admit though my mental state isn't the best (being around family does that though right :")) but I have started playing the cello as much as possible (last week I played 3 days and I hoping to do 4/5 days this week) as well as started reading and watching a new anime with my niblings most nights and eating cookie dough and/or drinking coffee which has all raised my spirtits and has made me feel better.
Thanks for getting this far, I appreciate and love you <3 and now I leave you with the pics from my week!

Alright byeeeeee, do good this week!
Sont even know where to begin on this one….things will be back to normal soon…and i am so happy that you are almost done with your paperwork❤️