Upon waking up at 5am after only 2 hours of sleep to take a train at 6am so that I could take the bullet train to go to Paris and ultimately to Évreux, I was exhausted to say the least. But I had to hauled butt since my apartment was dirty and void of food and living stuff. So once arriving I unpacked, cleaned, did laundry, and went grocery shopping. And to treat myself I pampered myself by shaving and giving myself a face mask. It was all in a day of hard work so I didn't think much of it and went to sleep and told myself I would wake up the next day and be "productive". However, when I woke up that plan was literally physically impossible as I couldn't even muster strength to get out bed. So I just laid in bed for most of the day in and out of sleep and by evening I was extremely hungies and ordered food out to eat and finished the first season of relatively alright anime.

The little relaxation day I realized was something I needed though because for the past 2 weeks I have been traveling a lot: I needed time to just be with "myself" and my thoughts (I add quotation because I am literally 95% sure there is ghost in my house. It doesn't seem to come to my side of the house or generally scare me, but the other night it was being really loud stomping throughout the entire house and it scared me bad T-T (I think my roommate doing Tarot card readings is making it more active ngl)).

But being back in the good ole Évreux means my 6 week sentence before my last TAPIF break begins and I am pumped! I have some new classes and am excited to reuse the things that "worked" as well as to find new engaging content for my regulars who have been with me from the get-go.
I am rambling so let me just get to the title of this post before I let y'all skaddle: so there has been an annoying wind storm that started Friday that is really making going outside a pain. I thought it was just a "my town" issue but when I looked it up, I learned it is a result of these two storms that have passed through called storm Eunice and Franklin that has been rampaging all of the north of France as well as whole other countries like Ireland, the UK, and the Netherlands. Yesterday afternoon it was so bad, I thought that the wind was going to burst my window open (luckily it didn't).

Ummmm but yeah, that is it for me. I hope you all are doing well and I am excited what things you've been up to!!

eeek not a ghost :( i remember seeing videos of people getting blown over from thr wind in europe, hope it's all back to normal
scary storm(i)