As promised… I have to write a looooong post. Let’s go!
Flute man
So the first night I came to Copenhagen, one of my floormates (a Danish dude named Fredrick) was telling us new comers about the infamous flute man of the city. Apparently you always find in randomly at obscure hours, usually late at night, and he plays Sandstorm really badly on his flute. Fredrick said if you are intoxicated enough you can hear Sandstorm perfectly. All the Danes love him and pay him a lot for his performance but few ever see him. But I say all of this because I had the fine opportunity to see him! I was running late to class and I was running through this small intimate plaza and there he was, playing Sandstorm poorly early in the morning. Unfortunately, I couldn’t record him/take a pic or pay him for his performance but I was really happy to have seen him.

The Old Irish Pub
I don’t particularly like that place :// I have already been twice and each time I go I am always like its crowded, the floors are sticky, most people are intoxicated, and its hot. Everyone in DIS likes to go because of American Tuesday when alcohol is free but idk, I think it is overrated. I probably will only go again to show my friends and fam who are coming up what the place is because it is quite an experience

I love Danish! Sure it is ugly and guttural and counterintuitive, but I like the culture and its complexity which keeps me engaged and interested. For example, there is “Hvordan gar det?” and it means “How are you” but directly translates as “How go that” and is pronounced as “vordangawdet”. Basically, all three of those words become one and you have to say all the r’s like a french r to really pronounce it right. Additionally, you only use this phrase with people you know which reveals how in Danish culture you don’t really care about doing things unless you actually mean it :D
My Neighbor: Fredrick the Legend
Idk why, but I really admire my floormate Fredrick. He is really cool and chill. I was explaining earlier, he was talking about a lot of his drunk experiences (here in Denmark, I feel like talking about being drunk and being drunk isn’t taboo (I think it as something to do with the Germans as they are both close to them and were once under German rule several times)) but basically Fredrick shamelessly gets drunk a lot. So last Tuesday, at like midnight, I saw Fredrick getting off the train, he was drunk and was stumbling up the stairs out of the metro like a legend.
Lost Phone, Profuse Puking, and Disloyal Friends
I was a lot more angrier the day of my post about the caption above but that feeling has since disappeared, so I am not going to dwell on this one too much. So, last Tuesday I went out with Emma and some of her friends to make a total of ten. The experience was overall aight but then it went to bad when one of Emma’s friends, we will call N, lost her phone. So we searched for a while but eventually we went back up and I saw the other girls partying it up on some tables. Their carefreeness made me believe that N found her phone so I joined the others girls to dance again but then I saw N sitting at a table looking sad. So I left to go see if she was okay. When I went to her, she said that she still didn’t find her phone at this point she seemed to be really gone, like when I looked into her eyes I didn’t feel like there was life in them and worse she was beginning to drool and that only meant one thing: she was gonna puke soon. So me and Emma and the N’s roommate tried to reassure her and then she started puking and the security told us to take her out to “get fresh air” which really meant he didn’t want her puking in the bar anymore. So we (as in me, Emma, and the girl’s roommate) guided her outside to which the other girls came out as well after five or ten minutes. Then we went to the McDonald’s across the street to get some food and to sober N up. Once we got there N started vomiting profusely in the McDonald’s dining as well as in the bathroom sink and while all of this was happening the other girls, except me and Emma and N’s roommate, were taking care of her even though they were all “friends”. The other girls even decided to talk to some old friends/ make new friends (idk who the other dudes were tbh) and eat at the McDonald’s. While they did that and weren’t giving two craps about the girl we took her home. As upsetting as it was to know that none of the girls cared or even wanted to help, it was actually fun walking back to the train station. We yelled, made jokes, got directions from these weird young Danes, and chitchatted until we made it home. But yeah, that was last Tuesday. The silver lining though is that N was able to find her phone again after going back to the bar :D
Chocolate Cake
My roommate here and decided to bake a chocolate cake together. It was just a boxed cake but for it to be boxed, it was REALLY good! But doing so, made me get to know her very well (we asked each other get to know you questions while we waited for the cake to bake) and I honestly grateful she is my roommate.

Me and Emma finally went to the tourist-y, postcard part of Copenhagen and it was really cute. I liked it there and I would like to go back and enjoy sitting around there when the weather gets a little warmer. Also fun fact, Nyhavn is pronounced “Newhow”!

Furniture Store
Like old ladies, me and Emma went inside this fancy furniture store that served chocolate, coffee, and tea and observed the Scandinavian minimalism.

I have taken several walks randomly after class and stumbled upon some pretty cool stuff.

Also, here are some pics of a walk me and Emma went on after seeing the Rosenborg palace.

Phew, that was a lot of wrapping up from the past. As for this week, I went to Stockholm! It was a really lovely place and I would rate it as my second favorite city in all honesty. I never pictured myself ever actively going but decided to go on a whim. I wanted to go to a city in Sweden close to Copenhagen called Malmo, but decided not to as everyone said it was wack there and so I was like why not go, GO to Sweden. So on a Friday night I, along with Emma and Emma’s Friend B, booked a train ticket and by the whee hours of Saturday we set off for Stockholm. We had to take the local bus at 6:10 to get to the train station. Once there, we decided to get food from Starbucks and figure which track we needed to wait at for the train. We looked on the monitor and saw what track our train was on but was concerned because the track itself said another train for another city was coming so we spend twenty-ish minutes asking around making sure our train track was the right one which ultimately it was. So we got on that train and after an hour we had to transfer to a different train. At that station we had to wait in the cold for twenty minutes. The station had some weird pigeons, one I saw literally ride up the escalator and another was making weird noises as it slept. But yeah, after those twenty minutes we hoped onto another train and for four hours we rode until we made it to Stockholm. The city itself is like New York City in terms of venue with the bright lights and traffics but it isn’t as busy nor dirty or loud as New York. Also, there is a lot of character to many of the areas around that makes it feel distinctly Swedish which I appreciated. As for the bad part about Stockholm, when I went to the old part of Stockholm, I got my card stolen.

So that wraps my essay, good night!
I hope I get to see flute man one day, or at least get a chance to hear his tunes And that pub sounds interesting ! Do you mean like one drink free or many hahah I’m usually all for language learning but Dutch sure is intimidating :/ but since you’re there it’s cool you’re getting into it Oh no, not another secret obsession about a person that doesn’t know (cough Francisco) just don’t be too weird Forget about good friend, you’re a good person for being there for like that for nearly a stranger. That’s messed up tho that they left it to you and Emma like that >:( J’adore les photos et j’ai envie de boire le latte Nutella 👀 you really made…
As stated they are beautiful pics... cant wait to see these places in the pictures...and so glad you were such a Good Samaritan to “N” she needs new friends! And we may need to do a late night to catch up with horrible flute man...maybe we can get him to play something else...and last but not least I am glad you are having fun
These are such pretty pics mamas said they were pretty but i didn’t realize they would be THIS pretty. Wow! Anyway glad you’re having fun and hope the card comes soon.
Flute man sounds like such a legend wow, hope you see him again under more peaceful circumstances
Is your family coming to visit???
Danish pronunciation confuses me so much but it's definitely a cool language. Their was of saying how are you made me think of the German: "wie geht's?" (lit. "how goes it?") but technically you can ask "How goes it?" in English and I guess it's not all that much weirder than phrases like "What's up?"
Glad N got her phone back, not a big fan of those other gals
And glad you like your roommate but you guys better not get too close,, [gun emoji]
Scandinavians just get furniture <3 Emma is a very special kind of…