Getting into the month of spooks, I assumed I would scare myself by posting moments before it becomes Wednesday (I really didn't think I would have it posted in time). I have done little to nothing this break and it is both good and bad. I intended to be ahead by Wednesday so I have to stick to schedule so that means doing everything tonight. It is fine I guess since I will only be sleep deprived for two days and I already caught up on my previous sleep debt. Anyway, my break has been chilled and filled with eating primarily. Because they didn't have any vegan option for most of break me and Aboni have eaten out ://

Then on Sunday night, my oldest sister came to Smith. She introduced us to this show called Peaky Blinders (which was interesting to say the least) her first night with us. Then Tuesday we spent it riding down the bikeway. We stopped every so often to take pictures of the beautiful scenery. Honestly, that bike experience was probably the best bike experience I ever had. The New England foliage was at its peak and all the leaves were falling like snow when the wind blew and we were surrounded by red, orange, and golden leafs that hued the path.

Lastly, I have finally changed my Keanu Reeves background to this Gintama episode title. It really speaks to my soul.

I hope everyone's weeks are going well and I hope you all do good this week! You all are sparkles of awesomeness!

Florence diner!! We have to go ! You should continue with peaky blinders if you haven’t been. It’s really popular I think in Paris. I haven’t watched though.. I’m at kristianas house rn and they were playing Samson! Our song 🥺 They foliage actually looks so beautiful. I was trying to describe the saying “a crisp autumn day” to jean and he said there’s not really a French equivalent but you can say “c’était un jour délicieux” lol