Soooooo (thanks to the reminder of Aboni (thank you so much)) I remembered to post on time! Ngl, I almost forgot again :')

It's weird cuz my life is relatively normal paced except on Tuesdays, on Tuesday I feel like everything that my family and I didn't do over the weekend combined with beginning of the week obligations on Monday, makes Tuesday a make up day for us. Anyways, I spent the day today going back and forth to Atlanta (I am excited to reveal why next week-- stay tuned ;)) and taking care of my niblings and going to the pool. As for the weekend, my dad came over from the big T state just to say hi as well as to drop off some pikliz that he made for me and Aboni. It was nice because I hadn't seen in almost an entire year and also because he always introduces me and Aboni to even more Haitian food. If we are ever in the same area before I leave for Peace Corps, I want to give you guys some akasan. It is a delicious meal substitute that literally satitates you from morning until the evening. I remember my dad told me to try it without letting me know that fact in advance, and I literally didn't feel hungry for 2 days (cuz I had eaten a meal before).

Aside from food, I just been vibing (I think at least, I have really had time to capture moments so my weeks are beginning to become a blur but I hope to fix that soon). But yeah that's all from me, I hope you all are doing well and I am excited to catch up on what y'all have been doing: as usual, I leave my pics from this week!

I had to prove to my niece that I had hops
Movies about "nothing" that I saw from Tiktok that I want to get around to watching.
Okieeeee bye lads :))))
You nailed it with the beginning our weeks….And yes you showed her what hops look like!
I love the video of you jumping. You really see the mechanics of your jump! And yeah Akasan is crazy satisfying, but 2 days seems a bit much...but drinking one per day is definitely enough for me ngl
I've never seen any of those movies but I'll have to check them out too! I have to be in the mood but if it's how it sounds, I like a movie about "nothing"
I didn't realize when you were talking about akasan it was a sweet drink and also it was that satiating :0 well I knew you said you were full but 2 days?! dang. when I looked it up it it's "popular with Haitian locals who consume it without moderation" lol. Idk they make it sound not filling like that but I take your word for it
I'm curious what the reveal could be but I have an idea but i shall wait and see if it's…