So this week was exactly what I needed. I was able to rest, get ahead on my school work, read some manga, write, and stay up as late as I wanted-- all things that remind me that I am alive. So last Tuesday, me, Aboni, and Claire celebrated making it Thanksgiving break by eating at Miss Saigon. I got mango rice, which I never had before, and I 100% recommend you all have!
(showed her scream-o on our way back from Miss Saigon... I don't think she liked it)
Then later that day me, Aboni, Isabel, and Emma went to Trivia. It was really stressful because a lot of it wasn’t our area of expertise but somehow we were able to win third place :0

On Wednesday, me, Aboni, and Emma spent the day doing nothing. We all wore the same Kim Possible pants and took pictures, Emma tried to drop off a to-go container but there was something or another that wouldn’t allow Emma to drop it off, we watched Victorious until Emma left, then me and Aboni went to Share to do some work and drink delicious matcha lattes.

On Thursday, I literally spent all day until around 3pm in my bed just typing away on my laptop and listening to music before leaving for Golden Corral with Aboni, Brenda, Kiara, and Adonis. I had a lot of fun hanging out. We played some good music on our way to the buffet (which was in Springfield) and ate to our hearts’ content.

Then on Friday, me and Aboni went to Share again and did some more work. On Saturday Claire and Kristen took me and Aboni took us to New Haven, which was last minute but honestly better imo (I can get a sense of the Yale vibe and see if I would like to live there or not for when I go to medical school). On Sunday I promised myself I was going to be productive but at like 11am the college sent an email saying that class was canceled so I just wasn’t ://. Around 2 or so I went on a rescue mission with Clara, Madison, and Aboni to pick up Emma from the train station but it became a 2 person rescue mission as Karina was there too.

As for Monday, I just tried to stay on campus but I had a really insatiable hunger that forced me off campus to buy some food from Starbucks and Woodstar T-T.

And today, I was able to read the newest chapter of the manga that me and Aboni have been reading since high school. Each new chapter is honestly so stressful because there is so much stuff that is building up and new information that is being exposed that you’re always left with more questions than answers by the end of reading it. But that’s what makes the series so good!

Aside from the day to day things though, I think that I am doing okay. I feel myself slipping back into my sad boi ways. I knew it was inevitable but what make this more hopeful/better is the fact that I feel like I am prepared. I am pretty confident in the coping mechanisms that I have developed over my sophomore. So even though I am not excited about it, I am certain that I can overcome it :) but yeah, that’s it. That is all I have to say for this week, I hope you are all doing well and I will pray for you all to have the strength to get through this semester: stay strong my lovely ladies!

Oof call me beep me am I right ladies 😍 What’s.. in the middle of you and Emma in that blurry picture? I like it tho New haven is fun! Good food!! Also maybe if you played a kids screamo for Claire she’s be more receptive ?
I like that pic of you and aboni and emma.
Also claire's face lol
ONS is going to kill me tbh!