In all literalness, I have no thoughts. Like sure I be thinking but not thoughts that are even memorable for me to mention. I even gave myself all day today to gather some thoughts but all that came up were my stressors (such as my K-dog job, packing for Peace Corps, getting medically and legally cleared, my dreads locing/ my "ugly" phase (it is a thing that happens as your hair transitions into dreads), my niblings going back to school, homelife, amongst other things). So yeah, I have no brain crumbs to offer y'all this week. But! I do have some life things to share! So, I finally got a job! I started working last week at a matcha cafe which has been good so far, though I do have to mention the difference in tips I've noticed. To back track, I remember as a waitress that when I would wear a bit of subtle makeup or do my hair in a style that my tips were always better than when I didn't do one or both of the things I mentioned earlier, despite working the same shift times. So I was like "am I witnessing the halo effect???" but I forgot about it until I started working again. The girl that I was training with was dressed really atheleisure-eque, borerline housewear. But the following shift, I worked and I was wearing a dress and literally received a bigger tip and the whole halo effect thing came back to my mind. But I mention this all to say, I love to see psychological phenomenons playing out before my eyes, it's so cool!

Oh! And remember that ear infection I was talking about??? Well apparently it was a really bad infection and it required me to have ear wax extraction (which was really painful) and for me to take intense steroids and antibiotics that had to be administered via shots to my butt cheeks! It was crazy and a little awkward (especially with my mom in the room) but it was whatevs ig. But they were apparently really big needles and it left a knot on one of my cheeks and a black and blue on the other and tenderness on both (though the tenderness is a lot better than when I first got them). I have taken my antibiotics and stopped after the third day, but idk my hearing has changed significantly. When noises are too loud or if I talk too loud, it gives me ringing (especially in my left ear) and if it lasts too long it starts to feel like someone is stabbing my ear and if the stabbing feeling lasts too long I get a really bad headache. I hope this sensitivity goes away though and is just apart of my ears healing right now but we shall see ://...

Outside of that, I have just been vibing. I went to a Smith Picnic in Atlanta and met up with some lovely Smithies, some of which I hope to see again as they aren't Georgian natives and would like the Georgia tour. But most importantly, I got to see Anna! It was really nice to see her as well as trippy. Because Smith is so far from me, home/my non-school identity and school/stressed self are exclusive. So having Anna, a native Georgian who stays here and is also from Smith is just so weird to me. But after the picnic, we went to Doraville and hung out there and talked each other ears off :)))

And I hung out with Stacey again since she is back in Gwinnett. Yesterday, she actually drove us back to her school town in south georiga where we helped her clean up her apartment so that she could officially move out before we could meet up with her other friend who me and Aboni really vibe with (I say it is because we are all May babes 💁🏾♀️).

Then this week was so exciting because Sebastian finally got Whitening McCream's windshield fixed for free wafter Aboni cracking it when we went to Colorado which was the last repair he needed after he got rear ended. But that all came literally shattering down this Saturday because some random old lady decided to hit and run him which totaled his car :')))). Luckily he is okay and the next day we went to get tacos with his bf. Idk if the tacos helped, but I at least hoped it distracted him for a little bit from the reality of his situation.

But yeeeeah, that's all! I hope you all are doing well and I look forward to seeing what everyone is up to!!!! And as usual, pics of my week :D

If you read this far could you answer this question: did you guys actually listening to Ghosting by TXT and if you did, what do you think of it???!
Congratulations on starting your new job And by the way you make the ugly phase look cute and thank goodness you finally Decided to get treatment for your ear infection At least you got to get out without being in pain and see Anna And Stacey She is always good for tons of laughs and hopefully the coming week will be more eventful….. Love you much
Ghosting is a nice song 🎶 🎵...also a nice week you had there. I also liked it lol
Wow for someone with no thoughts you sure had lots ti say! Lol! I am sorry that you feel so stressed about it….I will help with whatever you need help with….and as for the infection why not just finish out the meds and ice those cheeks? And it was so nice that you got to be the Smith grad at the picnic and also got to hang out with friends….doesn’t sound like such a bad week