So as Erin stated in her posts, there is no more Monday posting which makes me the first poster of the week :0 Idk how I feel about it yet, but I think it will further encourage me to post on time.
Anywayyyyys, I have become restless. I have successfully been able to incorporate practicing cello, writing, practicing french again, eating 3 meals a day, calling/answering people more often so I am really excited and proud about that but I want more 👹. I want to start exercising--- I did a little walking on the treadmill and parks at the end of December until early Feb, but I wasn't feeling much fulfillment. I feel that with this lame car culture, I am not really using my body and thus losing all my body's dexterity and stamina so I wanna do something intense therefore I am going back to the try and true girlie that had me sweating during the pandemie. Yes, I am talking about Chloe Ting. The other thing I wanna do is read, so I think I will either be limiting my hours on TikTok to like 15 or 30 mins (which wouldn't be too much of a pain because I just spend hours scrolling just to find a few funny things (though I will say Aboni sent me a video that gave me a belly laugh like back in the days and makes me chuckle even thinking about it now)). And lastly I wanna be one with my homie Jesus again. I am extremely disconnected from my religion and I feel like it is greatly affecting me, I just wanna talk to my day one 😭. I am not sure if I wanna follow a theme or just go through the Bible but we shall see. I might listen to my old racist church cuz the pastor was good, but I always begin listening to him and then fall out cause he always says something out of pocket (for example, he said BLM was unGodly). Last, and MOST importantly, I wanna rewrite my notes into my notebook so I can study while I am away in PC. I need to figure how to fit that in :// any advice? Anyone wanna have a quiet FT or Zoom call where we just study whatever together to hold each other accountable (it would really help 🥲)?
Also, if all you praying people could pleeeeeeease pray for me that everything that I am working hard towards will come to fruition. I REALLYYYY need it :'))) I would tell y'all but I don't wanna have to go through the pain of potentially having to deliver any more bad news T-T.
Mais oui, C'est ça! I don't really have much else to say or update on! I will add pics from my week below ❤️❤️🤪

[A really idyllic day that I hope my niblings won't forget 😊: 1. The sunset we were lucky to see 2. My niece wanting me to pick her up 3. My niblings running up this huge hill like it was nothing 4. When we got to the top we saw this huge family of deer. We were really lucky cause there was just as large a family of deer on the other side of the path as well :0 (I would've taken a pic but my nieve had the poops, so I had to hurry and back to the beginning of the park so that she could use the restroom (ngl I was scared she was gonna poop on my back, but she didn't-- I ran fast enough ig :'))) 5. There was a grave just randomly on in the park, it was surprising to find tbh cuz it was just in the middle of nowhere and was pretty fresh (you can see the ground was fresh/new)].

Alright that's all: luv you boys

I like the gif at the end lol. And whoaaaa such a pretty evening walk, you know seeing a deer is a sign of big change coming in your life, so be prepared! Something big is coming your way! And also I don't mind calling, I'm starting to study from 7-10pm my time if you wanna join.