Today is Mardi gras which marks the last day of my indulgences, that being anime/manga and TikTok, for the next 40 days. I am hoping through these days I can not only align myself with God more but also find other things that'll fill my time and help me better manage my time.
Uhhh... Yeah. That's it for me... I hope you guys are having a good time and I am excited to see what adventures you all have been embarking on :)))))

Good luck on your lent journey🙏🙏🙏
I am so happy that you are doing lent…i will pray for your strength and endurance for the 40 days and beyond..Lol And that image is soo creepy to me…did you ever talk to the school about it? And your students are funny…I dont even want to know what the words mean…Lol…and was the pizza cooked or were you preparing it to go in the oven? Your town looks like it going to be so pretty in the spring…take lots of pictures I would love to see them too! Go gurl everyone loves a good and dedicated DD when they are going out for drinks! You are the best!
Took lots of pictures, I see! I like them...Lots of cool stuff, wish you spoke more about your week though (though I speak to you all the time now, so I kinda know lol)...should've added a photo of mob, for liberal propaganda reasons :p...and why is your "pizza" so moist?!