I forgot to post Tuesday but it basically a Tuesday post if Rachel hasn't posted yet right????
Anyways, I had my period last week and it was the first period in my entire life where I didn't take pain killers! I usually take it an hour or so after I see that I am bleeding and will usually take more if it gets too bad. But I am determined to try and find a non-drug method and I semi-found that in a hot water bottle! I mean it wasn't perfect: I literally was fighting my body from throwing up and was in so much pain that I couldn't even move and passed out from it, but! it was A LOT better than raw dogging my period. And it gave me hope that maybe I can continue doing this, I just need to find more things to accompany the water bottle--- Imma try to do research on anti-cramp teas and anti-infammatory foods to eat during my period to help ease the pain more and keep from being incompesated like this time around.
But I went to another party with my coworkers and it was really fun. I got to chitchat with new peeps, play games, eat food, and get out of the house :))). It was SHINee themed which is a K-pop group that the girl is funnily obsessed with it 😂. I am not usually one for non-dancing parties but I give this one a 9/10, points only taken because I juice spilled on my pants 😭😭.
Outside of that, I have been tending to my niblings and getting more paperwork done for PC. God willing all my efforts will be for not :'))). Also, I am trying to find a better paying jobs with better hours because this trick (aka my boss's wife) is trying to take me of the schedule and I am not gonna be without money because she wants to play games 🔫.
I hope you ladies are all delightfully busy and I hope you all post this week so I can see what y'all been up to recently: okieeeee ttyl ❤️

[Stacey is helping me looked snatched for my SKZ concert and so she came over and practiced a look on me and then to tell her thanks I took her to OneZo and then we accidentally stumbled upon Sebastian! We truly are addicted 😭😂😂]
[Pics of from the partay!]
[Took my mom and niblings to Greenville just to do something and to get out of town/the state. Unfortunately, they were sleepy and crabby so we didn't do too much outside of getting so yummy icecream and climbing the waterfall and eating a gross dinner at this "healthy" restaurant ] ://

[My niblings had a lowkey boujee snack complete with brie and jelly and crackers, they like it (which was lowkey surprising) so I would like to give that to them more for snacks since it is quick to prepare :)))]
Thanks for reading!!
onezo is truly life changing though so make sense lol
love the pics per usual....and yeah the brie looks tasty. And like the partay fit 🙃