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Just the Highlights

So as promised, I am writing you guys a nice and thicc post this week. To make this post cohesive, I am just going to go day by day and tell you guys my highlights :)

Tuesday (10/15):

Caitlin hosted a nice little get together to eat vegan chocolate cake. The cake was amazing and I had fun laughing it up with some good buds. What truly made this celebration memorable, was Emma pulling off Aboni’s face bandaid.


I had my gold key interview, which was pretty weird because Claire was one of my interviewers and we had to act like we didn’t know each other. But apparently, Claire was telling me afterwards that the interviewer really liked me, which was reassuring to know. Anyway, after the interview I went back to Claire’s room to do homework and formally meet her hamster, Pumpkin. However, our first meeting was a bit stressful. So when we went to the cage to see him, he was hanging upside down in the tube completely still-- not blinking, not moving, nothing. At first we were like haha look at him he is weird and Claire tapped the tube to get him to move, but he didn’t. Then we were like haha what a weird hamster and took the tube apart so that he could scurry off, but he didn’t. At this point, I was starting to think he died in the tube but I didn’t want to freak out Claire, so I was like maybe just try to put your finger in the tube to make him move, so she did so and again he didn’t move. At that point Claire started freaking out and crying and I was worried that I was going to have to touch a dead hamster to get him out to confirm he was dead. But luckily, Claire tried one more time to see if Pumpkin would move so she put her hand in the tube and had it like 2 cm away from the hamster’s face before it reacted and scurried out of the tube. We were super relieved, but it was a very strange afternoon experience. Anyway, after the pumpkin fiasco, Claire made me a cup of expresso that was really tasty. The cup was my first cup of coffee that I had in over 2 months, and little did I know, started my coffee addiction again for the next week.

The weird cutie Pumpkin


Me, along with Isabel, Aboni, and Celina, went off to Salem. The atmosphere there was just like I remembered it last year and it filled me with nostalgia. However, I didn’t do much exploring as I spent the day in this cafe called the Red Line cafe doing homework. This may sound like a pretty trashy way to spend a OSE trip but it wasn’t too bad. We did a lot of people watching while we did our work, ate some good food, and explored a bit of the town towards the end of our trip. A highlight of my time there was seeing a man holding up a huge banner saying “ALL FORNICATORS, THEIFS, HOMOSEXUALS, (and a bunch of other stuff that I can’t remember), WILL BURN IN IN HELL IF YOU DON’T REPENT” it got a lot of people’s attentions and a lot of people were mad at this man but there was this one man who earlier was holding up a “Free Hugs” sign that approached the man with the hateful banner and said something along the lines of “I don’t agree with your hateful message but I will still give you a hug” according to Celina and they gave each other a hug before going on their separate ways. Also another highlight of my time there was when me, Aboni, Celina, and Isabel found this teletubby cosplayer. It was so funny because people were trying to avoid them and a lot of kids were crying and running away when they saw the teletubby. Then later that night when I returned to Smith, me and Emma stayed up until about 4 in the morning doing homework. Eventually, Aboni came and joined us and we soon were having a conversation about whether sadness and safety were things that were quantifiable or whether they were just states of being. Personally, I feel as though it is quantifiable but no matter the quantity of the feeling that it is still important and valid (what do you guys think?).


All of that week was a blur. It was filled with 3am nights that consisted of me preparing for a midterm, taking a midterm, completing a final lab report, taking a mini exam, finishing a independent project, beginning a new independent project, going to work, finishing a hard homework set, and having my period. Luckily though, I made it with little psychological damage. On Friday night, I intended to do a lot of work but instead accidentally went to sleep at 7pm and not waking up until 7 am. It felt good but I wish I was productive instead ://


I went on live with Caitlin to talk about anime and playing various anime openings. Time flew very fast and I think it was a great start to my Saturday morning.

We were high-spirited after talking about good anime and listening to good anime openings :)))

I was happy and invigorated and I went back home to do my work and then, and then, AND THEN,... I took a nap. That nap lasted two hours and I was too clouded to do any work. But after that nap, I went to the Asian culture show and had fun supporting all my lovely talented friends. I was very impressed by many of their growths especially AK (I won’t expose her cause Idk if she would like that but I am sure you all know who I am talking about (if not text me)). I remember talking to her first year during bridge and her telling me how she was very shy and had no dancing skills but wanted to go outside of her comfort zone and challenge herself by joining SKDC. Seeing her perform the other night, made me really proud because I know how far she has come as a person. Seeing her blossom into a confident, well-rounded adult is so beautiful to see: I hope she keeps up the good work and I am so excited to see where she will go next :’)) Anyway, later that night me, Rocio, Kiara, and Aboni decided to have a movie night and watched this foreign horror movie called “May the Devil Take You” and it was SOOOO GOOD! It had me on the edge of my seat the entire night and I loved how the movie showed everything and left little to the imagination. There were a lot of plot-twists and jump-scares that kept you engaged throughout the movie, 9.8/10 would recommend to anyone who wants to be scared. The movie affected me so much that for like 2 seconds I thought about checking to make sure my closet was closed and that nothing could get me. But ultimately, I remembered that being scared required a lot of energy and didn’t really want to spend my energy being scared so I just stopped and went to sleep (Honestly, I think that is why I am not very easily scared: I am too lazy to be so T-T).

A shot of us before the movie got intense


I have been very productive. I woke up early and grinded for most of the day which made me very happy.

Monday and Today:

I have been pretty productive and haven't felt overwhelmed which is nice. So I guess I don't regret my relaxed weekend :)

Monday's bus shot

But I hope this post wasn't too long that it bored you guys/made you all stop reading. Love you all dearly and I hope you all do good this week <3

Go on you, yeah you, go on and do good this week :))


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Unknown member
Dec 30, 2019

Ooh a nice and thicc post as promised 😍 Just a constructive note but not a fan of that highlight lady The pumpkin story... ngl made me laugh. But only bc I know he was still alive I’m and I don’t think it was a trashy way to spend the day in Salem! Sometimes it’s nice to just experience a place in a relaxed way. There’s no right or wrong way to do it. Sounds like Salem always has interesting protesters. Like last year didn’t you say there were vegan people? I think sadness is more quantifiable? Maybe less so safety. I suppose there are varying degrees of safety tho. For sadness I think it’s quantifiable bc you can be like a little sad…


Erin Walsh
Erin Walsh
Nov 05, 2019

I was not expecting the teletubby to look like that when you described it 0_0

Also I'm glad you've been having a good time and I loved hearing you and aboni on air last week :^)


Oct 31, 2019

I happy you've had a good week overall :))



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