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I'm Back Biddies

Writer's picture: nrosemond8nrosemond8

Soooo uhhh I was gonna do another short post but I feel like that would annoying, since I already did that 2 weeks on a row--- plus Erin has a placeholder this week so I feel like I am more obligated to deliver. So here goes:

My life has been in a bit of shambles since my lovely visitors came and left. Not in a melodramatic way, but like when you really look at my life these past few months, it really wasn't the best. I spent most of my money and time going between doctor appointments for a program who ultimately deemed all that effort as unimportant on accounts of me hypothetically hypoxia due to my mild anemia 😒. But also my prof referent from France died 2 weeks ago :((. I was still processing everything so I didn't want to mention it, but yeah I think I have come around to finally accepting it. I still cry about every once in a while but it agains just reminds me how quickly people can just disappear and that I should make the most of my life and the times I have with others. But at the same hand, it also made me realize that when I am sad/stresses that I isolate myself: I don't really tell anyone much of anything until after the fact and only tell bits of information to keep people at a controled distance. Idk why but it is something that I noticed, are there any other girlies like that??? 🤪 🤪 🤪

Aside from that, I havcn't really done much (I am hoping to change that tho, I don't wanna become all depresso). But what I haaave done was...

I went to a dance performance at GaTech with Aboni, Sebastian and his bf. It was an interpretative piece that was all about psychology. It was really cool and I reaaaaally enjoyed it, I would discribe but it is something you just have to be there to see. It was really cool and made me realize, you really can combine anything you are interested in and love. Personally, I really love dance and Psych too so I hope one day I can find more entertainment like this and maybe one day contribute an idea or two to a creation like this :)))).

[Also, I forgot how cute Atlanta is at night]

Then I stumbled upon a new lake my favorite park made but I couldn't take the walk around it because I was pressed for time and told myself I would come back

Also, I noticed the weather is changing because now the stars are becoming more bright, which means befire long the winter sky will be out and the nights will be long >:)))

Look they were so bright that you could see them with my phone camera :0

Then I went to the gyno for an ultrasound (luckily it was external because I had a really full bladder), and she told me that my uterus is perfectly happy which was good news to here :)

Post ultrasound pic!

Then I was able to finally go back to that new lake with my niece and we walked the entirety of it, but it was trek to say the least 😭. Half of it was pathed and cleared and then the other half was in thick brush with no clear path. I was kind of worried because I highkey didn't know where I was going but I didn't want to show it too much because my niece gets really stressed so we distraced ourselves by talking and making up songs until we made it through. All around though, it was a really fun walk and it was very scenic and serene. When it gets colder, I would be interested in going again since it will be coler and hopefully less bugs (specifically those obnoxious Japanese spiders that are taking over everywhere T-T).

Then I met with my friend, we met up at this boba shop that me and Aboni have become highkey obsessed with. And as usual, we had lots of laughs and crapped talk until we couldn't anymore which was nice because we have been trying to plan to spend time with each other all summer and were only able to do so only once this summer :/.

After, I had my first iron transfusion and it didn't have such a good start. Because the iron I received was man-made, my body thought it was something weird so it started making my mouth itch and started to make my chest feel like an elephant was sitting on it. I wasn't too concerned about it because my nurse told me to tell her right away if I started feeling these symptoms and plus since I was in a hospital, I felt safe but my nurse kept on being like "Don't worry Naoni everything is fine DOn'T worry. Seriously, DON'T STRESSS!" Which started to freak me out cuz I was like I AM calm, why are YOU freaking out??? But she started running around to get more nurses and drugs, but while she was doing that I started feeling faintish and weak and I was like "Oh no, I hope I don't faint or die because that would be embarrassing. Luckily I didn't though, my nurse came back in time and doped me up with 4 different antihistamines and after that everything went smoothly.

Then my niblings and my mom and Aboni came to my cafe during my lunch and we had a good time :)

Lastly, I rediscovered hojicha and have become obsessed with drinking hojicha lattes.

I am proud of this hojicha, I made it from scratch!

Alright, I will leave that there. I am currently watching the Dahmer series and want to pay more attention to it. I am not really a fan of murderers stuff, but I am interested more so in how the director decides to potray the murderer. I feel like a lot of other series try to justify the murderer because "murderers are still people" crap or they just glorify the murderer where it becomes more about how risque they are and how "hot" that makes them and less about the literal autrocities they have done. This series, however, doesn't do either and I like, it really is like we are witnessing a morbid weirdo doing weird, morbid stuff and I like that. Anyways, I'll tell y'all a whole review when I finish so for now byeeeeeeee!


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Erin Walsh
Erin Walsh
Oct 04, 2022

Onezo alert! And yeah I am glad you are staying positive, sending lots of love bro I think you're handling stuff well and I hope u are doing okay. The iron transfusion experiences you and Aboni have had sound pretty scary ;-; that nurse would have been freaking me out too aaa


Sep 30, 2022

I cant believe we saw Komlan last week! feels like that was ages ago. and yeah tribble mill always serves lol…overall good times :))



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