Hewwo!! I write to you all in the city of my ancestors/slave-owner/(rapist(?)): Dublin! I really like it here. Sure it is rough: there’s glass EVERYWHERE (it punctured a hole in my favorite shoes that I’ve had for 3 years today ):), heroin needles every which way (I’ve seen a few people shooting up on the streets), and the strong smell of cigarettes and weed BUT the people really make it nice (literally peeps stand out if their stores and restaurants to welcome you :’) . I thought the Danish people were nice but I realized being here that they are, in a way, cold. They talk to you only upon you talking to them (though they are really excited and happy that you talk to them) however with the Irish, they engage with you. Moreover, the city isn’t like Copenhagen with people softly talking to each other (unless drunk), instead Dublin is filled with talking and laughing. Also, the people say “excuse me” and “sorry” and “please” and hold doors for you; something I have gotten quite use to not experiencing. So experiencing these little gestures is very cute and reminds me a lot of Georgia and the whole “southern hospitality”. As for the landscape/weather, it is very windy but mostly manageable windiness (my opinion might be biased because of Cope) and when it’s not windy the weather is much like Georgia. There’s grass and hills here as well as rolling mountains that you can see in the distance :0. Lastly I will talk about the night-life (from what little of it I experienced at least). I definitely see why “Irish pubs” are such an international thing. I went to this famous one called The Temple Bar and it was really nice. It isn’t obnoxiously rowdy and stuff, instead it feels intimate even though it’s crowded and loud. Basically there are Irish musicians who play both Irish music and modern music with an Irish twist and their main goal is to get you hyped so that they can feed off the crowds energy to keep playing. And as for the alcohol aspect of it, their drinks are LARGE. I got a small cider and it literally was a normal sized cup. Other people who got normal size beers and ciders had gigantic cups which is crazy. Also I didn’t have my ID and so when I went to the bar, I told the bouncer and he was like “Oh, it’s fine” and let me in just like that which is pretty wild imo. But I say all this to say that my Irish experience is great and I am surprised and thoroughly impressed by Dublin, a city I would have never thought of visiting. I give the city a solid 7.5/10 :))

Also, backtracking before leaving for Ireland, I went to the Copenhagen light festival. It’s a festival that is dispersed throughout the city and you find them by following these bright green laser lights. It was really cool, I wish I could’ve explored the festival more but unfortunately it ended last weekend and the one day me and my groupies went, we only had a little over an hour to see stuff ://.

But yeah, c’est ma semaine. Ciao!
Don’t worry, I won’t forget to comment again! I was surprised when you talked about the needles thing. I didn’t know that was such a problem there.. but the friendliness thing is good! I like when people start talking first (under certain circumstances) bc I hate being the one to initiate conversation 🤪 The pub sounds really nice! I think I would like it. But yeah, I’m with your mom, not too happy about the alcohol 😡👎🏼 I’m jealous of the trampolines!!
Wow! Everything looks so beautiful I am pretty happy about you going to the pub not too happy about the alcohol but whatever I’m glad you had a great time can’t wait to talk to you about it! Be safe
Glad you enjoyed Dublin ! Still really offended that you wouldn't believe me about blood pudding 🙃 The Irish musicians sound cool I really like Irish folk music. Did you make sure to try Guinness??! And the light show looks really cool too!!