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I Guess Four is My Lucky Number This Week

Updated: Aug 27, 2019

This week has been a blur and what makes it worst is that I didn’t take any pictures so I don’t remember a lot of the stuff that I did. But it’s okay, I will share with you guys as much as I remember.

So sometime last week my bathroom was being renovated so I had to go to the Rabbit Hill park's bathroom when I had to pee. The walk is a pretty short walks away from my house so I never risked peeing on myself. Anyway, once when I was walking this jeep was stopped at the end of a neighborhood. The driver was eyeing me and it was kind of creepy and even when I waved to him to show that I knew he was looking at me he still kept staring. And when I walked passed his car he slowly drove behind me and when another car came behind him, he drove off like normal. It was creepy but I was like whatevs at least he is gone but then I noticed the same car coming towards me again slowly. Then it drove off. Then again then drove off. After the fifth time I was like I am going to die or get kidnapped and sold into human trafficking or something (that has been a newer issue in Gwinnett lately as well as peeping toms), so after the car was out of sight I sprinted as fast as I could into the park and to the bathrooms and stayed there until I felt like he was gone. It kind of freaked me out and now I am lowkey scared to walk around the park and down Rabbit Hill road alone now.

Anyway, on a lighter note my friends and I went out to celebrate Sebastian’s birthday by going to this place in the mall called PF Chang. Afterwards we walked around the mall (per the usual) and got a cinnabon to share fourways (Aboni sadly had to watch on as we destroyed the bun).

Then later that week, me and Aboni as a birthday gift sent Sebastian to get a facial. He wanted us to come with him because he said he was scared so we went and sat in the waiting for him for an hour. When he came out his skin was glowing and he said he felt like a new man. Afterwards we went to Atlanta. Me and Aboni walked from Downtown to Midtown (which took almost an hour) and went into this cool museum called the MODA. It was small but it was cute and interesting. The exhibit they had when we went was about espresso. It showed us the history of espresso makers and how the views on espresso and coffee has changed over the years ( like apparently in Germany the people stopped drinking as much beer and instead started consuming more coffee/espresso. The ruler during that time saw this new wave as unpatriotic :0). At the end they made fresh espressos for us and it was a very potent cup. I tried not to douse it in too much sugar cause I didn’t want to look lame so I wound up throwing it out when they weren’t looking T-T

Also Aboni left this weekend. We ate breakfast along with my mom and her boyfriend in the morning then drove to the airport which was treacherous. There was a severe thunderstorm and we had to drive slow and cautiously the whole way there. Luckily we made it in time for a Aboni to go through TSA and to wait in the terminals for her plane. Afterwards, I went to Starbucks with Sebastian and we did some work before going to my house. My other friend came over and she wound up staying the night. It was weird because I never had a sleep over with anyone other than my friend Stacey but it was cool. We binged watched most of One Punch Man (ten out of ten if anyone was thinking about watching it) and went to sleep early and finished the rest of the show the next morning. Then in the afternoon we went over my friend’s house to eat some of her Jamaican food and set out to watch “Ma” (which was surprisingly an eight out of ten, it had a subplot that wasn’t hinted at in commercial/trailers that made the movie more interesting).

But yeah, this was a very stream of consciousness post (I didn’t have any pics to give me direction ://) so it’s a bit longer than usual. Sorry not sorry ;)

Anyway do good and remember: Rachel, Reem, Gracie, and I make up each member of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Rachel is Famine, Reem is Pestilence, Gracie is War, and I am Death


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The Starbies Align

Thank the HEAVENS I finally got a new job out of the hell hole that was the matcha cafe and into Starbucks 🤪. I am not expecting it to...


Erin Walsh
Erin Walsh

Yeah seconding what other people said, stay safe that's scary... I love the four horsemen, excited for Revelation!!



ah that's so scary be careful on rabbit hill. the espresso exhibit looks so cool it's funny that you threw the espresso away tho lol



Lol I love the horseman designations lol


Rachel E
Rachel E

that's scary about the car following you :( I thought it would have a funny resolution but yeah... stay safe!!! that sounds like a really cool museum and it's funny that you got sebastian a facial hahaha have you ever had one? I haven't :-o 4 horsemen coming at ya



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