Hewwwwoooo! Imma keep things simple cuz uhhhhh, I am running low on time thanks to some people -_-. So basically, I really love dogs as pets, dare I say they are the best pet! Not only do they keep you fit, but they also are great cheerleaders as well as are great cuddlers and are always there to keep you company. And especially during these corona times, where you have to be home and have to stay home with your fam, dogs are the best family add-ons to keep you sane!

Alrighty fam, this week has been really hectic so I haven’t been up to much but I’ll add with what little I did: have a good week!

Okieee byeeee
Yup.....dogs are great companions but also pretty high maintenance especially if you live more rural and they play outside......but they bring so much joy that the work all seems worth it....and the food looks great! And that is the first time that I saw Sebastian’s car.....and it is really nice......and thank you for recognizing my Mom...she was amazing! And I cant with you and Stacey! Lol!!!! Looks like a pretty decent week for ya!
Like the pics from last week lol. And is that how you spell « rollweer? » idk how to spell it either lol