This week, my quarantine ended which is nice. Now, I am just practicing social distancing (though I’ve seen a lot of my family-- for a straight week I've been with one extended family member or another).

Anyway, I started classes on Monday and it is already feeling overwhelming. I should’ve started sooner, but I was going through some stressful family stuff so school was the last thing I was worried about. But luckily everything with my family miraculously resolved itself (much like I believed deep down) and now I am ready to tackle on school.

And something I have been doing that has been taking away time from me doing my homework recently has been watching anime reviews, truth reveals, and conspiracy theories and recently I stumbled upon Avatar The Last Airbender content. Did you guys know that Zuko isn't actually the son of Ozai?! If you guys actually care, you guys should text me and I can spill more tea about it (I don't want to turn this post all about anime stuff).

But yeah, I have nothing else to say: nothing much has been going on ://. I will leave you guys with these pictures Emma took of me that she recently sent me from when we were back in Europe. Have a good day and I hope you guys are enjoying your social distancing!

these pictures are all so cute :')
My fit was cute if i do say so myself lol. But those are some cute pictures from Emma I can see the pain in the one Clara was helping you hair struggles am i right lol
Cute ! I’m really glad your family stuff worked out ❣️
Well it looks like you got your regular life back... it will get better as soon as this virus is over so something to look forward patient