Me, Aboni, and Sebastian were talking about how we want our funerals to have a wow party factor and here is what we said:

Sebastian: He either wants to have a funeral where you think his body is in the casket and then at the end, his skeleton falls from the ceiling OR like you go through the closed casket funeral and then attend the after funreal dinner. Near the end me or Aboni would be like "Sebastian really loved to eat with his loved ones so this is his last meal with you all. You all are eating him right now!"

Aboni: Aboni wants her to be more show-y, so she wants her body to be gold encrusted and then at the end of the funeral she wants people to light a fire so that her ash flies out from a hole in her encrusted body such as her feet or nose or mouth or as the pressure increases inside the gold.

Naoni: I just want to have a closed casket funeral and then before the funeral ends, someone brings my taxodermy body out (complete with antlers and goat/cow eyes) and the person I wrote in my will to have my ashes would actually have a really cool taxodermy Naoni!

???Which one do you think is the most exciting???
Anyways I decided to follow Aboni and go to Peace Corps. Literally a day later after Aboni accepted her offer, I received an email saying that I will be volunteering in Albania and after a series of events in my family this past week, I decided it would be best for my medical career to do so. Plus Elly said she was proud of Aboni for doing so, so hopefully she will be proud of me as well! I am excited to go but I am sad because that means I'll be missing out more on my niblings' little lives as well as woudn't be able to visit Erin in Korea (Erin we just now have to make a girl's trip so that you can show us around :D).

In other news, I randomly decided this evening to look up an old friend that had like 11 other siblings and was homeschooled in a house her dad hand built for her and her family on some random dirt road near the other dirt road called "Drowning Creek". After some digging with Aboni, we found her last name and believe that she is now married :"))).

Aside from that, I am getting ready to work at this korean corndog place called Oh!K-dog at my mall. I am really excited for it cuz I can eat a bunch of free corn dogs!
That's all from me, I forgot to take a lot of pics this week but I'll try to do better next week. Have an awesome week guys!!!!

Went to Field day for my niece :)
I yelled, I mean strongly encouraged, these kids to victory :)
Okieeeee byes!!!!
I love your taxidermy pic lol, also i didn’t realize how weird our conversation was until you put it into a post lol. Maybe we are a little weird hahaha
And im thinking about caitlin's funeral plans now, i like your guys' too
This is by far the creepiest most morbid and disturbing thing that I have ever read!!! I am so glad that I will be dead before any of these things come to pass!! But Naoni you are the coolest aunt at the field day!!! You screamed your niece to victory!!!’ Your wings are reserved!!! And so glad you found your old friend….Love ya!