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Can I just say

I write to you guys in nowhere better than Copenhagen, Denmark ;P. I got here on Saturday and boy was it a time. So I heard from a little birdie that the Reykjavik airport was outdoors. I mean I believed her but idk, I really questioned how an airport could be outdoors exactly, so when we were landing I saw the “airport” and was like “Oh whoa, my source was wrong” but then the bus came and I realized that we had to board the bus to get to the “airport”. So they made us get off and wait in the cold as the buses came to pick us up. And for some reason, that day had really strong winds. It was shaking the plane and people were being pushed while waiting. Then we finally got to the “airport” and we only stayed in there for like 30 minutes or so before they took us back outside and drove us to our next airplane. And by that point the wind had gotten even stronger. So when I went out and began climbing the makeshift stairs to board the plane, I literally was almost blown off because my carry-on suitcase was swept by the wind and was literally flying horizontally as I was holding it and I had my umbrella in my other hand and couldn’t grab the railing to save myself but luckily there was a really nice flight attendant who grabbed me sternly and in all literalness pulled me into the plane. I thanked her and she was just like “Anytime, a lot of people aren’t ready for this Iceland weather.” And in that moment she became my hero and I realized that I want to live/extendedly stay in Iceland to become half as cool as her. But yeah, that was the craziest thing that happened on my travels that and I guess the fact that I didn’t sleep at all and thus stayed up for over 24 hours ://.

Maybe the move isn't Montreal but Reykjavik :0
Also peep the glaciers I saw near Greenland (probs the last remaining ones tbh)

Anyways, being in Denmark has made realize how much of introvert I am once again, how much better guys’ company is compared to lady’s company (gimme a sec to explain), and made me realize how weird/crazy college students are. As for the introverted part, I realized, or more rather confirmed, that I don’t really need/seek human interaction and that I am truly fine with my own company. Like all these DIS students are always being thrown at each other in order to form relationships and to not feel all isolated and stuff but the desperation in these students eyes to be validated and accepted is truly overwhelming. Everyone is trying to seem so much more interesting than they may not actually be and are always trying to keep a conversation up even if it’s about something boring or stupide. And it’s not to say that I don't understand where they are coming from (I moved around a lot when I was younger for pete’s sake) but to me that kind of mentality is very high-school. As for the whole Boys are way better than girls™ thing, it’s just that I realized that I get along with guys better than ladies because guys seem more chill and don’t seem to create a facade when getting to know each other whereas I notice that ladies do. The ladies try to appear cool or nice or whatever their trademark trait is. Whereas the dudes are just chill. Sure they do want to find a friend group but they often don’t seem to be trying to create some kind of image for themselves in my opinion. That’s why I think I get along with my flatmates. For the first two and a half days (I've only been here for four so far), it was just me and three guys living together. We ate dinner together and chitchatted late into the night. It felt natural, like we’ve been bros forever. And I was genuinely comfortable with them even though people were telling me that my situation was apparently “awkward” (when I would tell others my living situation they are always like that is mad weird). Lastly, college students are W-to the- E-to the-I-R-D! Most of the students I talked to are like “let’s go party” or “let’s go pregame/go to the bar” or “let’s go find some cute Danes” and I’m just like nahhhh? I realized Smith is a weird environment itself though. We don’t have very many students who are like that/very vocal about that kind of lifestyle. And there’s nothing wrong with that kind of crowd per say but a lot of the folks here just aren’t my cup of tea. But idk, I will meet the people that I am suppose to be spending most of my time with tomorrow. I am excited to meet them and I really am hopefully that I will meet a few of them who I can get along with!

Sorry for making this so reflective and long and lowkey depressing (I promise I am not though :D) but I just felt like sharing. I am definitely enjoying myself in Denmark.

One of the streets some of my classes are on
Another street some of my classes are on
I was really joyous to enjoy some sunshine (there hasn't been sunshine here, only rainy days)
A mall near my school, I really want to visit it some day soon
The intersection I must cross T-T
Idk what this building is exactly but it seems historical

I really like the Danish culture so far from their extreme directness to their cleanliness to their love for all things that give off good vibes. Because I know nothing about Denmark, everyday is a new learning experience and I love that! I am really excited to soon understand the Danish culture and to directly apply it here and to make Denmark home for me. I love you guys all to pieces and I hope everything is well with you guys! I will leave you guys with this little old man from the bar I went to tonight, ttyl!

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3 comentarios

Erin Walsh
Erin Walsh
27 ene 2020

The move is still Montreal, but that lady sounds like a real one.

Also I know we talked about this on the phone a little, but I get the whole "being in a new group desperation" thing. I can feel myself do it when I'm talking to someone new who I want to like me and it really annoys me. I wish I were better at being with my own company but I'm worried about what it'll be like if I get to Korea and can't really find new people that I connect to.

As for the guys vs. girls thing, that's an interesting take. I guess I can see that a bit. Honestly, when I was in elementary school…

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Miembro desconocido
15 ene 2020

When I was flying into Iceland, the isolation of it and the spareness and the scenic nature really attracted me. And I like that they have varying weather (like when I was there the sun didn’t even rise and it was already 8 am (same with Denmark tho :/)) but by June it’s up for almost 20+ hours and I like how the weather builds your character (like the flight attendant). As for the whole guy/lady friend thing, I am referring to initial getting along. Like I tend to get along quicker and easier with guys than with ladies but it doesn’t mean one friendship is better than the other. Like I always kick it off with guys and I…

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Miembro desconocido
15 ene 2020

I told youuuuu lol not gonna lie imagining you getting swept away that extremely is funny but going off that much sleep and being in that cold is nothing to joke about I know 🙅🏻‍♀️ but... why do you want to go there if the weathers like that 😭 I mean I’ve heard it’s beautiful but also not much to do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’m open to ideas for spring break though That’s so true about the new college kid group thing :/ hmm one of my other friends said they would mainly have guy friends before and since we’re also close it makes me wonder what that might say about me. But nevertheless, it’s interesting you feel that way bc I woul…

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