So my niblings, Aboni, and I really like the song "Belgium to Bordeaux" so when me and Aboni came to France we told our niblings we would actually go to Belgium to Bordeaux and this week we did it!

So far, I really like it out here: it is exactly what I imagined Paris/France to be like. The architecture is so beautiful, the people are muted but not rude, and the weather is cold but not tooooo cold. But to get here was a bit stressful to say the least. So for me to get here I was going to go from my town-->Paris, St.Lazare-->Paris, Montparnasse-->Bordeaux. However, the original train I was supposed to take to St. Lazare was canceled and the next train there wasn't for another hour T-T. Luckily I budgeted 2 hours between arriving in St. Lazare to Montparnasse but it was still scary 💀.

Anywayyyyy, me and Aboni got updated on all our animes and mangas and I am in all literalness TrauMatiZEd... I would elaborate but I am still trying to process all that is happening 😭😂😭. But despite the stress these things have been causing me, I am grateful for them: they have really helped time go by. They give me something to look forward to each week and give me something to look up as I find the latest theories as well as give me something to talk about with Aboni.

Aside from my new trauma, I found out how to say doggy-style in French, it is "Levrette". I learned this because of the bar/cafe in my town has this name.

Oh! And on Friday the Australian girl who lives in my town finally got her film that she gave the store back in November processed. A lot of the photos came out blurry, but we agree that it actually kind of looks cooler that way. The first few was from Thanksgiving and the others from other random nights (Idk why some of them are cropped but its whatevs ig).
But yeah. I hope you all are doing lovely and I am excited to see what you all have been doing, have a great week :)
love these pics :')) and I didn't know France has bullet trains :0
I like the pics, but the ones taken with Polaroids have a cool vibe/feel to them