I am going to keep this one short and sweet (much like my predecessor’s title). I have been extremely busy this week especially since I went to Vienna this weekend and didn’t get the chance to do my work ahead like I usually do. And because next week is a study-tour week, a lot of the profs have assignments due this week. Also, the Danish like a lot of group assignments. But a lot of people studying abroad here don't care about their grades so many aren't helping out with these assignments which is leaving me with a large load (sometimes I wish I was a snitch and just told my profs the truth, but unfortunately mama didn't raise no snitch) Literally, I haven’t gotten more than five hours of sleep since Friday (on Sunday, I only got an hour and a half of sleep) soooo yeah, we are thriving :’). Anyway, I am going to let me pictures do the talking. Love you guys and have a better week than I am!

The lovely weekend trip to Vienna starring...

They had this cool music that was playing inside:

Dang sorry your group mates are being bums hope things have been looking up queen Your trips sound like fun times I really like the intro video too! Rip to the late funky monkey, glad his memory is being kept alive :')
Dang!!!La vida loca!! Looks like so much fun and the sights are beautiful!
Omg prussia 🤭🤤...and cool music for sure
pictures galore!! I hope you get all your work done! also sleep... that's the worst when you have group projects and are left to it alone basically, it's kinda weird that they would do that since they probs know a lot of study abroad students aren't really there to study :/ but whatever, you got this!
it wasn't literally peanuts was it? I thought that at first but now i realize it might be an expression? RIP mr peanut :(
I liked that little intro vid and the ketchup. Vienna seems so lovely! lol at first I was like woah that's a high quality pic there, then i realized you guys are famous :-0. Incredible