Stacey’s bf earlier in the summer told me and Aboni to watch this anime called “Erased” claiming it was the best anime that he ever saw. I was skeptical about it since, he also said he really likes One Piece. But last week I decided to take the plunge and duuuude did the anime not disappoint! The initial start to the show was really engaging in riveting as you believe and hope that the main character can seemingly do the impossible despite so many setbacks, lack of support, and even failures. But by the end of it, by him believing and thus continuing to be hopeful, he was able to overcome his failure, make friends, and be the best version of himself. This message was really beautiful and really hit home for me because for so long I have always remained believing in myself and hopeful and it has led me to becoming the best version of myself and allowing me to do things that are otherwise out of my reach. However, in recent times I lost somewhere along the ability to believe in myself and therefore hope for my future which has led me astray and back in a depressive state. So this show was in a way therapeutic as it reminded me what it was that pulled me to keep shooting for the stars despite the depression. The show overall was so touching to me both message wise and in delivery that it literally gave me a catharsis— I was so unconsolleable that I needed to take a shower to calm down T-T.

If you guys can, I REALLLY recommend you guys watch it! But in either case, if any of you guys are down in the dumps just imagine the best version of yourself and believe in that self until you actually are :))))))
Anywayssss, as for my week it was pretty good! I randomly received a bunch of medical stuff that I need for the Peace Corps before 9/2. And the crazy part is that if I didn't reach out asking what else I needed to do to be medically cleared, that they probably wouldn't have told me until the last minute. Nonetheless, everything is going pretty smoothly! I got 5 out of the 9 tasks that they added, and hopefully after tomorrow it'll only be 2 more things! Also on a postive note, Claire the greatest came over to Atlanta for the first time! It was really fun showing her the best that Atlanta and Georgia as a whole has to offer-- namely just food 😂😂 (I think we did more eating than site-seeing if I am being honest).
[When she first arrived, we explored Atlanta-- I took her to see where all the rich people lived, took around Emory (highkey it is pretty and now I can see a future of me being in state for medical school :00) then we went to midtown and saw the sun dial and the gay crossing, ate some delicious macarons Claire got for my fam and I, had Mellow Mushroom, and ate a charcuterie board and did a puzzle]
[Then we went to Helen to go swimming in a swimming hole but weather wasn't ideal so we just got pretty mountain views and fried oreos before we met up with Bassy boy for some kbbq]
[I feel bad for Claire's last day cuz we spent it mostly going to the airport to pick up my cousin who was visitng my cousin, but luckily we still had the chance to visit this hindu temple in Gwinnett before we dropped Clair off at the airport :(]
But yeah, that's it for me! I hope you all are doing well!! As usual I will post pics from me week!

Okieeee bye luvs!
Like the pics, low key I'm reading your post before I make mine because your week was essentially mine lol
Lol what is the white hole...
Glad you guys had a fun time with Claire!! You've been putting in the work as a Gwinnett County/Atlanta tour guide, hope you have energy for one more :') and yeehooo Peace Corps stuff is coming up so fast!! tbh these government agencies seem to really suck at getting people their info on time, glad you reached out about the medical stuff.
And that anime sounds very inspiring for sure, im happy it is giving you positive energy !